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Is a Big Age Difference in Dating in Latin America Common?

Published August 7, 2021 in Dating Information - 2 Comments

Some odd months ago, I remember I got talking with another American on some online chat about dating in Mexico.

Though I don’t know the guy personally because I never met him and have had little conversation with him prior….

We did have a brief exchange that left me with a new topic to consider for writing about when it comes to life in Latin America.

That is the topic of “age gaps” when dating Latinas in Latin America.

How common is it to see a large age gap in dating down here?

Is it more commonly accepted?

Well, in our conversation, we disagreed.

We both have lived in Mexico supposedly but in different parts.

On his end, he is a guy supposedly just a little bit older than me who doesn’t feel the need to settle down until he is at least 40 to 50 years old.

In his perspective, men “age like fine wine” and can get a hot, young chick in her 20s down here while he is 50.

Reminds me of this funny video here critiquing that idea.

Still, I cautioned against the idea a little bit for various reasons.

For one, I don’t believe it’s as commonly accepted in Latin America as he thinks it is.

Though how commonly it is accepted depends widely on where you are but Latin America as a whole is becoming more critical of that in my opinion.

On top of that, you have the obvious issues this guy would face….

Like choosing to start a family with kids at such an older age and the consequences of that.

To also quite possibly having an unrealistic view of how much “aging like fine wine” will happen in his case.

On top of that, you should be realistic as to how much your theoretical “hot 20 year old” will actually love you for you and not your money when you are 50.

And that’s assuming he has enough money to bring a girl like that into his life who won’t cheat on him, loves him for him and will have a family and all that with him.

Truthfully, while there are older men around the world who do settle down or at least date women much younger than them…

There is, as I hinted at, a part of me that does consider some of these guys to be a bit naïve as to how they think it’ll play out exactly.

Still, it’s a question nonetheless – are large age gaps more commonly accepted in Latin America than back home in the US when it comes to dating?

The short answer, in my opinion, is that they are but it depends widely on what part of Latin America you live in.

But let’s get to everything that comes to mind factor by factor.

No Age Gaps in America?

First, let’s not pretend that you can’t have a large age gap in dating in the US.

We have plenty of relaxed ideas when it comes to dating in my opinion as well.

Therefore, guys back home, if they had the financial capability, could get a larger age gap in dating.

Say the 50 year old dude with the hot 20 year old who fucks him.

We usually call that sugar dating.

Which exists in various parts of the world, including the US.

Now, as we see here, sugar dating is quite expensive in the US.

Thousands of dollars per month for a girl!

On top of that, you do have actual older dudes who marry the chicks that want them for their money obviously.

Like this example here of some dude who had like 30 or more years on his chick before he died.

Though I’m not privy to what their marriage was like, I’d take a wild guess at considering that maybe money had a factor there.

And that’s one thing I have considered when it comes to the type of guy wondering “are large age gaps acceptable” in dating in Latin America…

Which is that, given how it can be done in the US also, how many of these guys who are looking for this abroad simply don’t have the money to afford a hot American sugar baby?

Because I’m sure, if you got the money, you could keep one by your side in the US who is actually really hot.

Not judging but that was the first thing that came to my mind if all you are looking for is a hot piece of ass to fuck and tell you that she “loves you.”

Again, I’m pretty sure you could pay for a really hot chick in the US to do that without having to go to another country.

It almost seems to me like some of these guys, from an outside perspective, are basically exporting the job of being “the hot piece of ass” to foreign women due to “lower labor cost.”

Similar to large American businesses moving factories to China or Mexico because of cheaper wages.

While said dude could likely get some American woman to be his sugar baby, he obviously gets more bang for his buck south of the border.

It's easier to impress a Dominican gal living in a shithole neighborhood on 400 bucks a month if she lives in the DR instead of Miami where both her cost of living is way higher and where there are more local men in Miami who can compete with your salary than the average Dominican dude making nothing each month.

Above all, you get a 6 in the US for your sugar dating while spending maybe a thousand or two thousand each month where that same money could get you way more in a place like Colombia.

Let's move on.

Acceptable in Latin America?

Of course, we are not just talking about direct sugar dating.

The dude looking for a younger woman abroad might also be looking at marriage agencies instead of Seeking Arrangements.

Granted, if you are looking at a marriage agency, I imagine the selling point to a younger woman is going to be easier than to most “normal” chicks down here.

For obvious reasons that those in a marriage agency are obviously already interested in dating a foreign (and likely older) man.

Personally, I don’t see much difference between the marriage agency and the sugar dating.

Maybe if you find a genuine chick who isn’t all about the money, then sure.

But I imagine you probably bring other things to the table if that is the case. 

If you are a stereotypical fat, ugly or older dude, then obviously money is going to more on her mind here if she happens to be a chick who would normally be with you. 

Reminds me of that show 90 Day Fiancé like here.

90 day fiance

Still, outside of the marriage agencies and sugar dating, you do have actual chicks who are into dating older guys.

Though, like I said, it depends heavily on where you are in Latin America.

It’s a region that literally consists of two continents.

Now, to be fair, I can’t say that I am an “expert” on which regions find large age gaps to be more acceptable than others.

I can only say what I have observed as general trends.

And the general trends I have seen are the following: 

First, most women are not aiming for significant age gaps of more than 10 years more or less.

Second, in larger cities, you’ll probably see more examples of what could be sugar dating but that actual marriages between a 40 or 50 year old and a 20 year old are more commonly accepted in poorer and more conservative areas.

In some poorer town in Nicaragua or Guatemala, the average woman is going to be thinking of marriage more seriously at a younger age like 18 or 20 than a woman in Buenos Aires that is instead thinking of going to school, getting a career, etc. 

The woman who is thinking of the latter is usually not as interested in dating the man that has 20 to 30 years older on her.

The woman who is thinking of marriage at that young age though is obviously going to be more interested in a man that can provide.

That'd ideally be a man her age but men at 20 typically are less mature than women at the same age and have less money with no real career to speak of.

Third, you do have seemingly illegal interactions around some parts between men and women (especially in more conservative and lesser developed areas). 

Meaning where a much older dude is with an underage girl.

There was an example I saw of that in the Dominican Republic in which a chick I got to know named Germania told me how she got pregnant years ago when she was a child at some very young age to a man much older than her.

As you can read about here.

On that note, it has come to my attention that, from my impression, it does seem like some parts of Latin America turn a “blind eye” to that type of fucked up behavior.

Here in Mexico, you also had news made about the common practice of indigenous underage girls being sold into marriage to older men that you can see here.

Though most of Latin America isn’t that fucked up. 

Though I also live in Mexico City currently and not some fucked up place like Sosua of the DR where I've been told that is unfortunately more of a common sight in public (much older dude with questionably legal girl). 

For likely a combination of reasons though (bribed police, shit judicial system, etc), these illegal circumstances are not always prosecuted.

Which is obviously different than the example we have been discussing of the 50 year old with the 25 year old sugar baby.

But, either way, when speaking of age differences, that should be brought up since it is an issue that is related to the topic. 

Fourth, based on my suspicions only after some time here, I feel like there’s an economic component to it also that has been referenced before. 

But, generally speaking, I do feel that chicks from poorer backgrounds are more likely to consider an older guy than chicks who are at least from a comfortable background.

Regardless of if she is looking for a marriage right now or not.

You especially see that among a lot of the foreign men looking for a woman down here that is much younger and so many of them tend to be poor as fuck living in a shithole neighborhood or city.

90 day fiance

Still, those are just some largely basic observations or beliefs, let’s get into the meat of it all.


So Large Age Gap?

Well, I can’t say I’ve had any “large age gaps” when it comes to dating since I don’t fit the bill of a overweight 50 year old with a bald head looking for a hot 25 year old.

I do like hot 25 year olds though!

But the age gap isn’t “large” since I’m 26.

The largest “gap” I ever had was 10 years when I was 23 and fucked a chick who was 32 or 33.

In fact, I’ve been with at least 2 women who had 10 years on me.

One was a dentist named Alejandra in Mexico as you can read about here who happened to have a boyfriend.

Another was a chick named Morena who, if I remember right, I think she was in her early 30s also.

So, in a way, I guess I’ve had “large age gaps” in the opposite direction.

I wasn’t really dating though or seen out in public with either one of those though.

They were both just hookups.

But outside of myself…

Yeah, I’ve seen a few older guys with younger women down here.

Though a vast majority of couples I've seen outside over my years here have been couples that seemed to be in a similar age range.

I do remember though a few days ago seeing some older man with a younger Asian looking gal (though I'm not sure if they were dating or not).

On a day to day basis though, I just don't see couples with that obvious age difference outside but they do come up once in a while. 

What about among my local friend groups or gals I have dated? Any gal coming to parties I've been to where she happened to have a 50 year old grandpa back home that was her husband?

When I was dating my last Mexican girlfriend, I do remember asking her though about if she knows of any chicks with significantly older men.

And she comes from a more rural part of Mexico in a small town of Hidalgo state.

From what she told me, she only knew one chick personally that was married to a man 20 years older than her.

And that’s it.

Among all the other Latino friends I have made down here…

I don’t remember ever being told about, introduced to or seeing anyone in any social circle where a young chick would show up to maybe a party with a much older guy.

Or that any significantly older guys were ever mentioned as being with them.

Above all, it really seems like most of the “older man with younger woman” thing is either sugar dating shit, prostitution, marriage agency stuff or older man (foreign or local) playing "captain save a hoe" that he thinks is rescuing from a shithole area that is poor as fuck as I wrote here.

With her, in any of those situations above outside of prostitution, possibly is cheating on him as she finds men who don't need viagra to be more attractive for fucking on the side. 

Final Verdict: Is a Big Age Difference in Dating in Latin America Common?

So what’s the verdict, jack?

Can I, as a 90 year old American man who has to shoot Viagra into my limp dick through a needle, able to get a REALLY HOT 25 year old to FUCK me and LOVE me?!

To spend the remainder of my 8 months with before my dementia ruins the remainder of my brain?

Well, you can buy it!

Sugar dating, marriage agencies and all that jazz.

My verdict is this:

First, a 40 or 50 year old man could, if he wanted to, get a Latina who is 20 years younger to be with him.

But, using common sense, you’re still going to need money to bring to the table most likely (especially as, if we're being honest, you likely don't have much in common with her and can't fuck her as well as someone her age can). 

So money expectations are going to be higher on you. 

A little more expectations on her end versus if she was dating a man her age.

Still, though it varies by what part of Latin America you are in, I do feel that the 40 year old with the 25 year old couple is a little more common down here than in the US.

For one, it's easier for foreign men to get that down here as they get "more bang for their buck"and can more easily impress local women than women back home with less money.

And also because of other reasons mentioned about how poorer and more conservative areas have more of this for the local 40 year old man looking to marry a 20 year old that gringos aren't likely to go to.

It is what it is.

In the real world though with more “normal relationships,” I just don’t see large dating gaps down here on average. 

At least not as much as some guys talk about where they think it's a common sight in public when, in my experience, it isn't. 

Granted, I spent most of my days now in a more liberal place like Mexico City but I have been around to most Latin countries.

Sill, this is all just my opinion and my observations.

Got any comments?

Drop them below.

And thanks for reading.

Follow my Twitter here.

Best regards,


Interested in dating Latina women? Check out more articles HERE


Chase McDaniel - May 14, 2022 Reply

Or maybe there is something about Latin women that American women can’t provide. Gratitude. American women are spoiled. I am rich enough to have a sugar baby in the U.S. or Latin America. I choose Latin America because women there are women.

    Matt - May 14, 2022 Reply

    If you are rich enough to where the expense of an American sugar baby isn’t an issue, then why not stick to an American one?

    Surely you could find a chick who can at least put on a show and pretend to have a grateful personality while you are paying for her ass.

    Unless you don’t have the cash or you find Latin American women to offer you more at a lower price.

    And, according to my website, it says you are from a small town of Florida. If that’s true (and I don’t know for sure), then are you really telling me there is a shortage of Latina and Latin American born women in Florida? I know not all of Florida is the same and there are parts with not a strong Latino influence but we both know you got plenty of Latina and Latin American born women in that state. I don’t doubt your ability to afford one of them but probably you are getting more bang for your buck among women still in Latin America than in Florida.

    After all, a Dominican gal living in a shithole neighborhood of Santo Domingo whose cost of living is 200 to 500 bucks a month is easier to impress and buy some ass from than if that same Dominican gal moves to Florida where her cost of living is now 2,000 (more or less, I haven’t lived in the US in years but I heard inflation is bad). Therefore, regardless of what you can afford up there, we both know you get more bang for your buck from that same Dominican gal when her cost of living is peanuts.

    Take this information here:

    “The average sugar baby allowance is $2,000-$2,500—most sugar babies ask for this amount on Secret Benefits and Seeking Arrangement. And what about pay per meet? Again, the costs vary. Average sugar baby asks for about $200-$300, and there are sugar babies who ask for $500-600.”

    How many men could realistically afford that and what type of woman in terms of looks and personality will that get you? Since it’s “the average” amount of money spent, I’m assuming you aren’t getting the hottest ass with the best personality for that price.

    In comparison, that type of spending on women in Latin America will get you MUCH more in Latin America based on some of the dudes I know personally who would rather pay for fun instead of getting normal women who don’t take payment.

    Down here, you can get normal looking gals to fuck you for 10 bucks and some hot as fuck ones for 30 to 100.

    But that’s prostitution.

    Sugar dating? I imagine it’s cheaper also.

    I don’t have any personal experience with either but I knew of a normal chick I often hooked up with a lot around my age who once had some sugar daddy in her life from France before we ever hooked up. I remember her once telling me that he gave her somewhere around 500 for a month of fun when they fucked around as I wrote here.

    If she was living in the US, I’m guessing that 500 becomes 3,000 pretty quick if the numbers in that one quote above have any validity.

    And, as I think about it, shit maybe the dude from France was getting gringo priced? I don’t know but could he have paid less for what others get for free? She had a good job but lived in a shit area. Her rent couldn’t have been more than 150 or 200 a month. I’m sure plenty of normal sugar babies down here would be OK with a 200 payment a month for some fun if it pays the rent. You be the judge anyhow but common is the story of a gringo getting double the price.

    But would the money even matter if you were a real rich dude where even a 5,000 allowance didn’t mean anything to your wealth?

    If you were a true multi-millionaire (which you might be but I don’t know how many of those live in a town with a median income of around 30k to 40k), then you could afford the hottest ass as a sugar daddy in the US and those gals would be more than willing to give a nice personality and gratitude. All of a sudden you can be like Dan Bilzerian but we both know most sugar daddies in the US don’t bring that type of cash and their money gets better chicks south of the border for various reasons we will get to.

    Which I don’t take issue with personally — you get more “bang for your buck” I suppose.

    And it makes sense how you could — if you find some local woman down there who is a single mother, makes 200 bucks a month while living in a shithole neighborhood, then I’m sure she’ll be more grateful to you than an American gal who needs the cash to finish her “Gender Studies” degree in Miami.

    Not to mention that the money you bring to the table to that Latina gal south of the border outcompetes most of the local men who could be sugar daddies also assuming they are also from Latin America working local jobs that don’t pay more than 1,000 to 3,000 a month.

    When you can outcompete most of the local “sugar daddies” (however many she had to begin with — maybe none), then yeah she’ll be more grateful than if you were in Miami and she had other men who, despite how much money you make, happen to make WAY more money than you and can provide more.

    In that context, an American sugar baby probably will be less grateful to you because your money is “eh” compared to how much easier it’ll be to impress a Latin American sugar baby who lives in shittier conditions and where most of the local sugar daddies (however few or many they might be) can’t compete with what you can bring to the table.

    For example, I know of a Chicano bro who sometimes takes trips to Latin America (Mexico City, Colombia and the DR usually). The dude easily makes over 100,000. Could he afford an American sugar baby? Probably. But he still prefers his sugar babies down here because of “better deals” as he put it once.

    It is what it is. He can get more bang for his buck down here than up there.

    Obviously, that also assumes you actually are going for sugar babies and not just normal gals.

    Do normal gals down south of the border have better personalities and are more grateful?

    Well, I’ve written on my blog before that it’s easier to impress a local woman in Latin America than it is in the US. Even if you are going for normal gals, that is absolutely true.

    I’ve been here for 7 years now.

    A typical woman down here will be impressed by your apartment costing 250 bucks a month (well, the exact number depends on what city you are in. Probably less impressed in Rio de Janeiro or Panama City, right? In the same way that she’ll be more easily impressed if you live in Pachuca de Soto versus Mexico City where, in Mexico City, you’ll need to spend at least 500 bucks a month if maybe not 750).

    Still, how many American women looking for a mature men with his shit together for marriage will be impressed by that? Unless they are looking for a man living in a crack house in Gary, Indiana.

    Similarly, most women down here don’t even expect you to have a car while that’s a bad look up north (though I imagine Latin American women above 40 might care about that car a little bit more).

    On top of that, you have dates. Women here never bitch about you taking them on a cheap 1 dollar beer date (though you do have some who might insist on a fancy dinner date but they are far and few in between in my experience. Perhaps if they are 40 or 50 or if they don’t find you physically attractive and just want you to spend money on them or if they are hot as fuck and are more demanding because of that but most women down here are not that demanding or as hot as that to be looking like a model from a club).

    And, on top of that, it’s similar to sugar dating in that even normal gals who aren’t sugar babies are easier to impress down here (and come across as more grateful) when they live on 200 bucks a month or whatever low number.

    But, outside of cash, I will be fair in saying that, to some degree, I think culture can influence also how women are seen as more grateful down here. Primarily with more conservative values and stronger gender norms among the people.

    Though, as I said in the article, I think that heavily depends on what part of the US versus what part of Latin America you are comparing things to.

    I’m from a small town in the Midwest. Midwest and the South in more small town environments? You got plenty of women who are more conservative with gender norms. If you say otherwise, it means you only know Chicago.

    On the flip side, you got plenty of areas in Latin America like Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Montevideo and others where gender norms probably are not as conservative. Here in Mexico City, not as much.

    Of course, most of Latin America isn’t those few cities and so you can usually find women with more conservative values that would be “more grateful” in the same way that those same areas would be more tolerant of gender norms or age gaps.

    Still, I absolutely stand by the belief that “the money factor” in the many ways it influences this is very important in terms of why women down here can come across as “more grateful.”

    Regardless of if you are looking for a sugar baby or marriage, money obviously has importance.

    Still, on four last points to bring up:

    First, I’d again like to reiterate that, similar to what I wrote in other articles, I never really related well to the idea of “women back home don’t have good personalities” or “are not grateful.” Again, I’m sure it depends wildly on differences in our personal experiences and our backgrounds. If you come from Miami? Sure, I can see why. If you come from small town Midwest like myself? I’m not seeing eye to eye with you on “women back home are not grateful.” Maybe you got divorce raped, maybe you were shit with women back home or whatever else. But plenty of women in less urban environments have normal personalities. Sure, nobody wants to live in small town middle of nowhere Ohio but whatever.

    Second, you have language barrier. While some American men do know well Spanish and the culture of the country she is from, many do not. I just emphasize this point because, due to that linguistic and cultural barrier, I would argue it is easier for women down here to disrespect their American man without him even realizing it.

    Or, in some cases, the dude might realize it but he was such a dork back home that he’s cool with whatever pussy he can get and is willing to tolerate disrespect. Other times though they straight up don’t realize it.

    Third, I always find it a bit ironic when men say that “American women are not grateful” because you have no shortage of local men down here who say the exact same thing about Latin American women.

    So, if Latin American women are grateful, why do some Latin American men say they are not?

    For example, a month or so ago, I remember meeting a local dude at a gym and became friends with. Have gone out for beer every so often and dude said the same thing about some chick he is messaging that is giving him shit.

    It reminds me of this documentary that I saw in a link I’ll include below where they interview men looking for wives in Ukraine (before Ukraine was attacked recently obviously).

    Though, as a side point, I do imagine Ukrainian women are “a bit easier to impress” these days and more likely to seem grateful for any man who can bring them out of that country. But whatever!

    Still, in the documentary cited, they interviewed both American men looking for wives and local Ukrainian men.

    And they both say the exact same thing.

    The American men saying that “women back home are not grateful” and “Ukrainian women are” while Ukrainian men are saying “the women of today are just not like how they used to be.”

    Why is it then that there is this gap between what American men see and Ukrainian/some Latin American men see?

    Well, the older American men (some of whom are ugly and old as fuck but getting young gals) make 3,000 to 5,000 a month (if not more) while most of the Ukrainian men don’t make anything like that and the Ukrainian complaining about how “women are not the same in Ukraine” is a bum looking like he carries more change than paper.

    But I’ll leave that as a open ended question. You be the judge as to why there is a gap between American men and local men viewing these women in any part of the world.

    Finally, one other point to make is that I do believe that some men who say that women have better personalities down here is only because they find it easier to get ass. Let’s be real — among the group of men who go abroad looking for pussy, that group of men is going to have a higher percentage of men who find it difficult to get laid back home than the broader population. If a dude is coming down here after months or years of no pussy, he’s going to naturally conclude that the women down here have better personalities or are more grateful when he’s looking down to see his dick finally getting sucked. Something about “getting your dick sucked” oddly makes some men conclude she has a nice personality (especially if he wasn’t getting it sucked in the months or years before).

    Anyway, above all, I don’t disagree with your claim that women down here are more grateful. Better personalities? I see why men would say that and, even though I think the personalities of those where I grew up was fine, I don’t disagree too much here because I find the personalities of gals down here to be equally fine. I don’t find the personalities here to be so much better to leave home on a permanent basis but I see where other men are coming from. Depending on what part of the US we are comparing to what specific part of Latin America, I would agree or disagree even more because, above all, I think location matters as to the personalities of the gals you are finding (and also how well received you are in that specific location of Latin America because some men find women down here to be better in some spots than others).

    But I’ll leave it at that.

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