A few tips on how to recover your stolen items in Latin America and to not forget that some things that work up north work down here also.
Discussing a very small scam in Mexico and probably most other countries in the world where someone claims that you gave less money than you actually gave them in hopes you’ll give more or not ask for change back.
Discussing a scam in Mexico where the cops steal your license plates and then demand money in a bribe.
A small tip for those looking for the cheaper medical service or products in Latin America versus the insane costs back home.
Discussing examples of where taking a photo in Latin America can cause you trouble.
Some people like to listen to music when taking a shower. My music is the sound of bullets. Fuck yeah.
Aren’t you basically consuming cocaine if you consume coca leaves?
Discussing the best way to keep your home safe in Latin America. Home invaders HATE this tip!
Discussing bad driving in Mexico City & the ease in getting a drivers license in the city for anyone.