All you need to know about Iberian America

Don’t Forget the Generic in Latin American Pharmacies

Published December 27, 2021 in Health & Safety , Mexico - 0 Comments

About a week ago, I was on a mission.

As I wrote here, I had difficulty getting some TRT in Mexico City last week.

For some odd reason, so many of the pharmacies seem to be out of TRT down here.

Who the fuck is buying it all?!

Thanks Biden for the shipping issues…

Regardless, there was some difficulty.

Basically, I just had to keep hopping from pharmacy to pharmacy to find what I was looking for.

Now, when people talk about medical care in Latin America, they often talk about how cheap it is.

That’s actually one of the larger appeals that older gringos have when they think of life down here.

Given that I’m only 27 and rarely ever visit a doctor, medical care has never been that much of a concern for me when living down here.

Still, it can be noticeable at times.

When I visited one pharmacy near Metro Copilco area about a week ago looking for TRT, the lady behind the counter did offer me something more expensive instead of what I was looking for specifically.

I declined it anyhow because it wasn’t actually the same thing that I was looking for.

Not TRT specifically but, in her words, something that is “like what you’re looking for.”

So not what I’m looking for and three times the price.

Why would I buy it?

Even as I write this, I have no idea what she was trying to offer me.

It was some random ass thing that supposedly increases T levels naturally.

Worth it?

I have no idea.


But I have visited that type of pharmacy plenty of times – known as “farmacias similaries” as you can see them in this video here.

While they have the cheapest prices in Mexico, they also tend to push down whatever offer they can down your throat before you can buy what you really want in my experience.

I can’t hate.

These chicks behind the counter are just doing their job to sell what they can.

I get it.

Still, while it’s my favorite pharmacy in Mexico given it’s lower prices and more “loose” medical practices that I won’t go into here, I can see how one would find some of their practices annoying.

Particularly if they are overinsistent on selling you something specific that you don’t want.

While that’s not a normal experience for me given I only go there for TRT these days and there aren’t too many generic things to offer in replacement of TRT, I think it serves as a small tip to keep in mind for the new gringo in town living in Latin America.

Always Ask for the Generic

This will be one of my smallest articles because there isn’t much more to say.

Simply don’t forget to ask for the generic version of whatever you’re looking for in Latin America.

Are you 70 and looking for Viagra? Don’t forget to ask for the generic. They got it.

Need some other medicine? Ask for the generic.

So many gringos come down here being told how much cheaper the medical care.

And, when compared to the US, it probably is a lot cheaper!

Even if you aren’t going for the generic.

Still, it’s probably cheaper if you do go for the generic.

The gringo who speaks no Spanish coming down to Latin America for some medical service and deals with a local who can speak English well but still charges double the price compared to what he’d charge a local.

The gringo is still happy because it still happens to be noticeably cheaper than back home.

The local is happy because it’s more money than what a typical local will pay.

Still, for the gringo in question, just know that a little bit of internet research and a small dose of Spanish will help go a long way to reducing your cost.

You won’t be stuck with some BS alternative to TRT as triple the price or whatever it is you are looking for.

While I can’t recommend you whatever specific generic you are looking for given I don’t know what you are looking for, I can only remind you to not forget to at least ask for the generic when looking for medical care down here.

Just don’t forget that at the very least.

And learn a little bit of Spanish.

For those seeking cheaper medical care, services or products down here, both of the tips above will help you save a few extra bucks than otherwise.

And that’s all I got to say.

A simple tip that doesn’t need more explanation because it’s not that complicated.

Drop any comments you got below in the comment section.

And follow my Twitter here.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards,


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