All you need to know about Iberian America

Normal Moments in Latin America

Published December 21, 2020 in Personal Stories & Opinions - 6 Comments

While lots of gringos dream of days in Latin America….

Involving big booty Latinas bouncing on their dick day and night…

To living in some gated community in the nicest neighborhoods of Managua or Santo Domingo…

To having private transportation to the private beach nearby where they can have some prepago suck their dick in isolation under the sun with some mojitos…

And while they sounds nice!

There’s also something nice, in my experience, to simpler experiences…

Experiences that, especially to foreigners who have never been down here before, don’t seem very nice or interesting.

Such as…..?

Sitting in a local movie theater with some chick watching something local…

Such as, for example, when I was in Argentina years ago…

And I was with this Argentine chick named Tami…

That you can read about here

Anyway, we were watching this move that, if I remember right, was made in Argentina…

About this dude who got cancer and basically is coping with his eventual death…

And the movie ends with him saying goodbye to his dog as he has his friend adopt it basically and take it to its next “forever home.”

Well, it was a good movie!

But the movie itself wasn’t so important…

In the same way that I have gone occasionally to the movie theaters down here with other chicks to see other movies…

Such as one movie I remember seeing with some chick Mexican chick named Daniela in CDMX about this Argentine dude who moved to NYC to pursue his film career…

And it basically didn’t work out and he had to move back to the Argentina.

Something called “nadie nos mira” or something like that.

Anyway, what do those two experiences have in common?

Well, they have something in common with the experiences below and then I will go into detail what I mean…

It’s similar to one time I went to a local rock concert in Cochabamba, Bolivia some odd years ago with a Bolivian chick named Mariana…

A chick you can read about here

And we had a good time there and that was it.

To sometime a few years ago when I went to some house party with a few folks and an ex-girlfriend of mine.

And we had a good time with some beers and some normal games…

Getting to know each other and all and that was that.

But what was so important about these events?

Why even bring them up?

Well, it is sometimes normal for foreigners living down here to feel lonely from time to time.

Especially being a foreigner down here anyway.

So let’s get to the point.

The Point

Look, you miss home.

That’s what this is.

At least for me.

You miss having a more “normal life.”

Because while I started this article talking about “fucking big booty bitches” and “getting liquored up.”

That’s cool and all.

But it’s not day to day life anywhere to be honest

The folks who tend to be most focused on that life, in my experience, are either literal addicts to sex and drugs down here or tourists down here for a small period of time.

It’s not really that fun long term.

Don’t get me wrong – sex is great.

But if you live down here…

You start to live a more “normal life.”

And, if like me, you left the US to initially escape from more negative environments as you can guess by some of the articles on my website such as this one here.

Well, it’s not like I left to Latin America because I had a “hard on” for Latin culture or anything.

Even though I did write an article on my thoughts on “Latin culture” here

Either way, regardless of the reasons for why you left the US or any country to Latin America…

You start to miss home.

There’s no denying that.

Unless you hate home for some odd reason.

Not something I can relate to since I like where I came from.

But you do have the occasional dude who left home for some reason along those lines.

I feel those folks are silly and absurd but that’s another topic for another day…

This article here I wrote might be relevant to that but let’s move on…

Either way, you miss home.

And you miss doing normal things.

Having normal moments.

Because, back home, you had friends that you went to the movie theater with.

You had friends that you went bowling with.

I remember one night I went on a double date in high school…

Granted, it wasn’t much of a double date because the chick who was supposed to go along with my friend at the time never showed up…

Poor guy…

But we still had fun!

Fuckin bitch stood him up but we don’t need no bitches!

Homies over hoes, amirite?!?

In all seriousness, you miss the “normal aspects” of life back home.

At least I do.

Maybe it’s harder being a guy from a small town living in a big city of 20 million people called Mexico City…

More “different” so to speak…

Not to mention the cultural or linguistic differences also….

So I miss it!

Especially in the times of covid, I miss going back home to see family.

A lifelong cat of mine that you can see below died recently and I wasn’t able to visit it due to travel complications….

I hope that doesn’t happen again before I get back home again to see the other cats my parents have…

But I guess…

The point of this article is?

Is you miss home.

Never mind how much you like or benefit from living south of the border…

In most circumstances, you miss home.

And you miss the little things.

So when you have some local friends go to the movie theater with you or some local bar…

A local concert or a house party…

Or whatever event it might be…

Something to make you feel like part of “the community” locally speaking.

And I feel it works better when it is local Latinos who you hang out with and not gringos…

Though I like hanging out with both…

For some reason, a local Latino like some Argentine chick such as Tami or a Bolivian chick like Mariana or whoever…

I guess it’s easier to “feel part of the local community” when a local hangs out with you in a normal setting.

Something that doesn’t involve getting your dick sucked or blowing coke off a hooker’s ass…

Not that there is anything wrong with that!

But, in my experience, you do desire to be accepted by “the local community.”

Not meaning that you try to go “full Latino” as this article wrote about here

But that you at least feel accepted by the locals and can have normal moments with them being getting your dick sucked…

As if you were back home doing normal things like going bowling…

Either way, I hope the point is understood by someone here.

I’m not sure I made the point very clear but I tried.

Maybe someone who has lived abroad long enough will get it.

Either way, follow my Twitter here.

And if you have had similar thoughts or questions, drop them below in the comment section.


Best regards,



Dazza - December 22, 2020 Reply

I can tell you my wonderful ‘normal’ moment in Latin America.

One morning, it might have been a Tuesday, or it could have been a Wednesday morning – I ate a wonderful causa aceviceada – it was sublime! January and I was in a nice neighbourhood that overlooked the Pacific Ocean – I was thinking about back home where it was snowing and cold and horrible and here I was – a lovely day in the Southern Hemisphere! A wonderful moment after I realised I was looking directly at the Pacific Ocean!

The older you get, the more these ‘normal’ moments mean something. One day, your desire to fornicate with the female population of Latin America will dissipate, you won’t have the energy nor the inclination to be wanting to impress some silly little girl young enough to be your daughter and the need starts to die off. Hey, it’s still great to get a lovely smile off some pretty young thing – but you start caring about quality over quantity – and the actual ‘conquest’ seems to matter less and less as you get older – saying that, everyone’s sex drive is different but that is what I found – I didn’t need the problems so I replaced that need with other things and my brain and libido followed suit.

Another thing as well is that living abroad changes you, I have changed totally from when I left my own country, being abroad has changed me and I have lived long enough outside my country that I don’t miss it – in fact, when I go back, I want to leave again after a month or so and I realised that I have changed so much where where I am from doesn’t feel like home, it’s familiar but it isn’t the place I want to be in. I might miss certain foods and my parents (of course…) but there comes a time where you are quite happily settled where you have chosen to call ‘home’.

I think the longer you live abroad and accept that life where you have chosen has its positives and negatives and you acclimatise to them to the best way you can without it causing you inner turmoil – then a yearning for home disappears, or it did with me.

There is also a time – if so inclined – the realisation that it is time to go home. The expat experience is different for everyone, not everyone should want or needs to be an eternal expat – if it is time to go home then it isn’t a sign of failure or a sign of success – it doesn’t matter in the end! It takes bravery to call time on the adventure sometimes.

    Matt - December 22, 2020 Reply

    This is probably one of my favorite responses of yours out of everything you have written. Great stuff.

    “I was thinking about back home where it was snowing and cold and horrible and here I was”

    That’s funny you say that. I don’t know how cold or snowy the UK gets but it can be bad in Iowa. In Iowa, it tends to be very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer. Though I remember my days in Iowa as a kid and how the snow was terrible — having to scrape the ice off the windshield of my truck before going to high school or walking from middle school and my toes feeling terrible because I didn’t have boots lol.

    On the other hand, I remember being a child and playing with my sister and how nice that was in the snow.

    I actually miss the snow but I don’t miss it for long periods of time. I’d prefer it if Mexico had snow for like a week out of the year but that’s it. Anything more and I’d get tired of it. But I know that’s not how it would work and we’d have it for much longer obviously lol.

    I agree also with your statement about getting tired of sleeping around. I often tend to make jokes about sex and all in these articles to bring some mild humor to them but sometimes actually write about real experiences in other articles. Mostly just because also it’s part of life down here and seems to be a popular topic with foreigners who are interested in the local women so I feel it’d be an elephant in the room that needs addressing or talking about. It is part of life down here anyway though I try not to make my whole website about it. Usually I aim to keep dating articles at around 10% of my total article content.

    And I agree with you also that you start to look for other things in life beyond sex as you get older. I’d also say you tend to look for it when you have been with enough women and it starts to get old to a degree or not as exciting.

    “Another thing as well is that living abroad changes you”

    That’s a great observation and thank you for reminding me of it. I’ve been thinking of new article ideas to write about since I’m around 200 now and have 50 left in the arsenal. That’s something I have noticed also. In that I move back to the US and a lot of the friends you had before have moved on. You also don’t relate as well to some of the things that go on back home anyway and it’s been a while since you have seen family also. Just all around you feel different in a sense — the experiences as well have an impact on you also. I’m not sure how long you have been abroad or where to so I’m sure your experiences with this are different than mine. Thanks again for bringing this topic up. I will write about it shortly.

    “I want to leave again after a month or so ”

    That’s true for me also. Give me about 2 weeks to 2 months roughly and I’m ready to hit the road again.

    “I think the longer you live abroad and accept that life where you have chosen has its positives and negatives and you acclimatise to them to the best way you can without it causing you inner turmoil – then a yearning for home disappears, or it did with me.”

    I agree you have to accept the positives and negatives. I wrote in another article on a similar topic about getting past the honeymoon phase. Though I’m not sure I’d agree the yearning for home disappears. Perhaps for you and maybe I will feel that also with enough time down here. Who knows. I’ve been here for about 5.5 years roughly so maybe it hasn’t hit yet. We will see.

    “There is also a time – if so inclined – the realisation that it is time to go home. The expat experience is different for everyone, not everyone should want or needs to be an eternal expat – if it is time to go home then it isn’t a sign of failure or a sign of success.”

    That’s true also. I don’t see it as failure or success either. Like I have said in other articles, I’ve known various dudes who have gone home after a while. I don’t have any desire to go home myself anytime soon. Personally, I’d like to hit the road and travel around Latin America but the covid situation with travel restrictions makes it risky for me. Either way, I’m content with Mexico City and it doesn’t bother me to stay here. Though, as I wrote elsewhere, I think I will end up settling down somewhere much farther south like Chile perhaps in about 7 years or so after I finish traveling from country to country.

    Anyway, great comment again. Always glad to hear from you.

    PS: North America and South America are separate continents lol 😉

      Dazza - December 22, 2020 Reply

      Noooo – it’s nothing like an Iowa winter where I am from – still not good enough though, I like the winters of Tonga! Haha!

      I look forward to your article to how you have changed. I think that is an important juncture as well is the five-year mark because you’re not going home to corporate America and a desk job or academia in a US university, most people who I know who go home usually do it in the first couple of years… maybe the third but anyone who sticks it out five years of more are usually in it for the long haul.

      This is a hard life to give up once you get through those first two years – they’re the hardest years to traverse – where you have ‘I hate (insert country here)’ where you are googling food pictures from home, you are looking up job opportunities just in case or you’re a lot more engaged in the pop culture – for example I don’t know who the latest media starlets are or the TV programmes these days when I go home – you miss whole chunks of pop culture but I have changed a lot but for the better – I am more patient and more tolerant – I don’t fly off the handle as much – a beeping horn – that’s an invitation for a fight in the UK with most Brits but I don’t care these days because I hear it all the time (just one example…) I am a far better person now than when I left but I changed without realising it until I went home – and you have to change if you are to traverse the culture shock successfully, which is accepting things you might not like or would have accepted if you had stayed at home.

      So look forward to reading your article on change and thank you for your nice comments! I’ll be here to read it!

    ice king - December 28, 2020 Reply

    I love what you wrote here

    LifeStyle - March 11, 2021 Reply

    Great blog! Do you have any hints for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you advise starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m completely overwhelmed .. Any tips? Kudos!

      Matt - March 16, 2021 Reply

      Depends on what you want to do with it and how much money you got.

      A year long hosting account with something like HostGator will cost you 200 bucks a year. I think the first year it is like 100 bucks but basically it will be 200 eventually.

      Then you can choose to have a theme for your site. You can use a free one from wordpress but I think they look like shit. I’d spend the extra 30 bucks a year for an alright theme if I was you. You can spend a lot more but if you just want to write your thoughts somewhere, I wouldn’t invest too much. At the very most the 200 hosting account and a 30 dollar theme per year. Nothing more.

      Though it’s not necessary. It simply makes your website look nicer imo.

      But if you want to monetize your site, I’d definitely pay the money.

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