Discussing the irony of the nationalist gringo who insists that everyone should “stick to their own kind” but lives in Latin America.
Going over the irony of gringos bitching about other gringos “westernizing” their corner of Latin America while ignoring all of the Latin Americans who bring some elements of such back home after influence abroad.
Bringing up the lack of patriotic flags you see in public in Latin America versus what you might see back home.
Going over the confusion some Americans have when dealing with the metric system abroad in Latin America.
Should you ever send money to reserve an apartment in Mexico City (or anywhere in Latin America)?
When you travel abroad, you sometimes notice certain differences that are strange to you when compared to life back home. One oddity I noticed was the idea of Latin American fathers taking their sons to the strip club.
Discussing a quick tip on how you should be checking the weather before your short trip to whatever corner of Latin America.
Discussing the “perfect city” that the traveling gringo hopes to find but is having trouble doing so.
Discussing a very minor issue when you feel uncomfortable having your traveling history mentioned while back home in a small town.
Is it ever OK for a gringo to be politically active in Latin America?