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Discussing the love some Latin Americans seem to have for the mainstream.
How the media in Latin America will paint a politician as an “outsider” when, in reality, they don’t look like one if you look at their record.
Did you know that Trump is the President of many countries in Latin America?
Going over the obsession some Latin Americans have with telling you just how WELCOMING their country is to foreign folks.
Want to know how to save on taxes when building a home in a poor area of a few certain Latin American cities?
How some folks hide behind being “the local” to justify their retard statements about life down here and how the “wisdom” of “the local” isn’t always so wise.
How there is bias in government funding of media in Mexico.
It might not be known to everyone out there with an IQ below 50 but wiping your ass with the Mexican flag is not only seen as offensive to Mexican people but also illegal. Here we go through the examples of foreigners getting into trouble for how they handle the Mexican flag.
Discussing briefly the obvious shift in the expat community in Latin America over the last decade.
Giving a brief example (among others) about how sometimes the media in Latin America will pull up a story of “the bad gringo” that they know will likely provoke a certain reaction and more clicks.