Another episode of me possibly pissing off some gang members for taking photos of everything. This time in Iztapalapa of Mexico City.
The reaction to a gringo in San Miguel Teotongo of Iztapalapa
The odd feeling of returning to a relatively nicer and less barrio area of Mexico City after so much time now in the rougher barrios.
Does English exist in the barrios of Mexico City & Latin America?
When Mexico City ATM machines give you shit bills that are not fake but cannot be used for purchasing anything. What do you do and why does retard shit like this happen?
How Hawkeyes can be found everywhere around the world, including the favelas of Mexico City known as Cuautepec.
When you encounter the Mexican of iztapalapa that doesn’t know what Coca Cola is. Are all Mexicans like this?
Another example of the mental rationalizations Mexicans and Latin Americans do to comprehend why your gringo ass would live in their area.
How some people in the world — including in Latin America — are selective about which white people they like and which white people are THE DEVIL.
When Latin Americans ask the gringo if he is married for various reasons.