All you need to know about Iberian America

The Broke Ass Gringo Gentrifying Latin America

Published December 11, 2021 in Mexico - 2 Comments

For the last year, I've had a fair share of drinks until recently. 

Now, as we all know, aspiring alcoholic is the greatest career choice for anyone.

But I’ve been going through about a bottle a day roughly with the occasional month of taking a break.

I've finally gotten the issue under control and don't drink anywhere near that anymore.

The last year was OK though – staring at the dark in silence.

Feeling a little bit crazier each month.

But I’m feeling better.

Still, in the last year, I haven’t really been living a glamorous life.

Granted, I could’ve been.

I could’ve spent the money if I wanted to for a really nice life well beyond what your typical Mexican of my age spends per month.

But I haven’t.

My rent over the last year has average around 200 bucks a month.

Not exactly like I’m making it rain.

Nor am I causing anyone problems.

Though we like to think of alcoholics as bad people, I haven’t done anything bad.

I keep to myself.

I hang out with friends when possible.

Fuck the occasional chick on Tinder.

And live a very normal life sitting in parks in silence where I can contemplate life. 

Perhaps hang out with a chick at the park?

Or simply enjoy the sight of trees around me.

Maybe a nice lake too like in Park Bicentenario.

Still, I contribute to the Mexican economy like a normal local at my age.

Actually, given I’m only 27, I probably contribute a tiny bit more than your average local my age given my total cost of living per month has averaged around 500 bucks a month over the last year (roughly 10,000 MXN pesos).

Not exactly gentrifying any neighborhood nor am I stealing jobs and taking welfare money.

Even before my dance with alcoholism in my other years in Mexico, I never spent more than around 600 bucks a month on average aside from my first year in Mexico where I was spending closer to a 1,000.

Even then though, I wasn’t living a life of luxury nor was I so poor that I was taking from the Mexican economy.

I was just me.

Though, oddly enough, there’s been some odd discussions line these days about the role of us gringos in Latin America.

Mexico City specifically for purposes of this article.

Let me explain and let’s wrap it up with some final thoughts.

The Situation in Brief Terms

As I wrote here, the Mexican government is cracking down a little bit on foreigners in the country.

They primarily focus on Central American, Haitian, African and Cuban migrants to deport.

Though they have also focused on stopping gringos from doing visa runs now and even been questioning random gringos in the streets and on buses apparently for documentation.

As a result, plenty of foreigners have been giving their opinions on the subject in Expat groups on Facebook.

There are two arguments used by foreigners against other foreigners that I have seen time and time again.

Which, as a side point, I love the sight of that.

Foreigners attacking other foreigners for choosing to live in Mexico.

It’s always been my impression that some foreigners REALLY HATE the idea of other foreigners coming to live in their respective areas of Latin America as I wrote here.

The reasons for their dislike of this trend can vary by the person.

Perhaps they want to feel like they are in “the real Latin America” and feeling like that can be difficult if you see other people like you (not Latinos) and American influence in your neighborhood.

Others dislike it because they are self-hating white foreigners who fly on the social justice vibes. These types are the same to use the term “Latinx” unironically.

Also, you have those who hate the sight of other foreigners because it reminds them of home and how they were legit losers back home (couldn’t get laid or whatever else).

And you have those who feel like they have “discovered” a “hidden gem” in Latin America that NOBODY else knows about. Usually it’s some beach spot or nice enough city of a population size around 200,000. They don't want anyone else enjoying it. 

Or whatever else!

At any rate, some of the arguments used by foreigners against other foreigners living down here seem to be unique on their side and others are what you might find argued by some of the locals who hate seeing us down here also.

There’s two arguments anyway that I find commonly used in the same conversation.

Two arguments that seemingly contradict each other.

Similar to the arguments seen against illegal Mexican immigrants in the US as portrayed by Doug Stanhope here.

Well, which is it?

Are Mexican immigrants lazy who use welfare or are they stealing the jobs?

Can’t be very lazy if they stealing jobs, can they?

Similarly, when it comes to us gringos in Latin America, there are two arguments used against our existence down here that seemingly contradict each other.

First, you have the argument that we gentrify the living fuck out of neighborhoods as you can see here.

Second, you have the argument that we are all poor and “Mexico doesn’t need us” as you can see here.

Now, to be fair, the last two screenshots aren't too bad.

There's no denying that gentrification happens and the very last screenshot is a little more tame in the condescension towards foreigners who "are poor" in Latin America.

Still, they give us a small taste of these two arguments (or stereotypes) about all of us foreigners living in Latin America.

Of course, not all gringos are the same and so both arguments are not necessarily contradicting if you understand that.

Some gringos are poor as fuck and some others do contribute to gentrification.

But it’s also a question of how many people understand that?

In the same way some folks against Mexican immigrants don’t understand the contradiction of “being lazy” and “stealing jobs” and truly use both arguments against them in the same breath unironically.

Similarly, I’ve encountered arguments by folks who use both of the mentioned arguments against us gringos in Latin America in the same breath unironically.

How are we then so poor but yet contributing to gentrification?

Well, here’s some initial thoughts on the subject.

Truly Too Poor

 I’ll be honest in saying I’ve had moments in Latin America where the sight of another foreigner is scary to me.

Be it reading about Roosh and his life up until his early 40s.

Or meeting an alcoholic middle aged German dude in a broken down house as you can read here.

And whoever else!

Truth be told, it is scary to read or listen to the stories of other foreigners who found themselves abroad poor as fuck somehow.

Be it they started young with no money and stayed like that.

Or those who are older with still no money somehow.

Look, money doesn’t bring happiness. Sure.

And nobody logically wants to give their life away to some bullshit office job that they hate for decades to retire for a small portion of their life to be in retirement in the end.

 But, at the end of the day, if you are still a poor gringo in Latin America at 40 like you were at 20, that’s shit.

No way to spin it.

I’m not talking just yet about how justified those arguments are above for keeping the “poor gringo” out.

Only that I do get where some older folks come from when they use it against younger expat folks because there is a truth to their viewpoint.

Some older expats do use the “why be poor in Latin America? They don’t need you” argument.

And, to be fair to the poor young expats, I don’t see any issue being poor down here for a few years.

Having fun and all that while still trying to get shit together when you are 22 down here.

But 30 and still being poor?

Major alarms should be going off well before that.

And so I get why some older expats use the “poor” side of the coin to argue against us being here from that point of view.

But, on the flip side, I would say something else to that.

Jealous? You Going to Cry?

A month or two ago, I wrote some article about a European chick I met in Roma Norte who seemingly hated younger folks living in Latin America.

Here is it as you can see.

Basically, you have this older type of expat who, while using the “poor” argument, wants to look down on us.

But it comes from a point of “I couldn’t do the shit you were doing decades ago because there wasn’t a way to make money online, flights were more expensive and so on.”

So they hate us for that.


Thus, they use bullshit arguments without really knowing the life of the person they are using it against.

Assuming we are all just so poor without knowing how we really live.

And some folks just have an unrealistic view of how much money you need in Mexico as you can see here.

Really? An income of 35,000 to 50,000 per year is needed to live in Mexico?

Maybe if you have kids.

Even then though, I doubt you need as much as 50,000 per year.

Regardless, this is just one example of how I find other foreigners -- especially richer ones -- have such an ununrealistic view on how much money you need to be down here.

You absolutely can have a decent life on 1,000 a month.

And, to be fair, not every old person has the proper retirement income anyhow and countries themselves can be unrealistic. 

Unrealistic Amount of Cash?

There's a certain irony I find in countries not being realistic in how much they ask as proof from those looking to live in their country long term.

In Mexico's case, the amount of income they require goes up each year.

Where basically they require that you have a income that is x amount more than the minimum wage and the minimum wage has been increasing every year.

It's ironic because you don't need the 2,500 a month or whatever the amount is these days to have a good life in Mexico.

And even more ironic because, as you'll see below, Mexico is known for being cheap to live in.

It's not exactly attracting those with million dollar savings who could afford a nicer life in Paris if we're being honest.

Mexico can increase its standards and say "we are a country for rich people" but that doesn't work very well if you don't get too many rich people.

Like Mcdonalds choosing to not serve cheap burgers and only offering fancy steaks.

Who the fuck goes to McDonalds for fancy steaks?

That isn't to say that Mexico doesn't get any richer foreigners like those shown in the last screenshot but most of the folks are not rich given Mexico attracts those looking for a cheaper lifestyle while remote working or living on social security like you can see below.

And while people might say that Mexico doesn't need those "poorer" Americans, I would say why not?

"I don't think Mexico is all that worried about importing poor Americans."

True, it ain't their concern on a national level.

Though, as you can see here, those "poor" Americans still contribute to the local economy and, in certain areas like San Miguel de Allende, they do have an important role in local economies.

Does Mexico as a whole or smaller communities like San Miguel NEED Americans of any socioeconomic background?

Would Mexico cease to be a functioning country without them?

Hell no.

But it doesn't hurt to have them.

After all, our expat idea of what is poor is different from the Mexican idea.

Sure, the aspiring expat on a 1,200 a month income isn't making it rain in the club but they still provide a solid income that can allow a decent life in Mexico.

They aren't hurting anyone and are just minding their own business on an income that is sufficient for Mexico.

So who gives a fuck if they would be considered "poor" in the US on that income?

In Mexico, that isn't actually a poor income.

It's not an insane amount of money but it's decent.

And, of course, it's not just Mexico that is not very realistic with what it expects.

"Other Countries Are Worse!"

Next, you have the argument that other countries are worse on this topic like you can see here.

Now, there's a few things to say here.

For one, Canada is more expensive than Mexico. I can't imagine living in Canada or the US on just 500 bucks a month like I do in Mexico.

So I can get why a place like Canada or the US has higher expectations.

Second, one could still argue that a million bucks is still not very realistic.

I'm sure you don't need two million for a good life in Canada.

Just because other countries are not very realistic doesn't make it logical for Mexico or any country to not be realistic with how much they expect from foreigners coming to live there.

Just because it's harder for a Mexican to live in Canada, the US or anywhere else doesn't justify Mexico being illogical with putting up higher standards for who they let in.

In part because someone else being unrealistic doesn't justify Mexico being so also.

And also because what Mexico is a different country with its own advantages and disadvantages of living there that attracts a different crowd. 

As long as shit like this keeps happening, Mexico is going to have a harder time attracting mostly rich foreigners versus the ones with more humble means (and, as I said, even their "humble" means still involve an income that allows decent living in Mexico).

Anyway, let's move on.

Not Just Rich Foreigners

Look, I don’t live in Roma Norte, Condesa or Polanco of Mexico City.

But, during my almost 5 years here in Mexico, I have lived in those areas and will tell you that it’s not just “rich foreigners” who live there.

“Rich” being objective because, by our gringo standards, you don’t need to be rich to live in Roma Norte.

Spend 200 to 250 bucks for a small room in a shared apartment per month or 700 bucks for a whole apartment to yourself.

Yes – that’s considerable money to the Mexican but not at all to the average gringo who isn’t backpacking.

Which obviously contributes to the idea of us “gentrifying” shit if we don’t see it as much money.

Granted, many locals can afford those prices too.

When I last lived in Roma Norte, I was spending 250 a month for a room in a apartment building.

There were a few foreigners that came and went over my 5 or 6 months there.

Including one American dude, two French girls, one French dude, etc.

But the majority were Latin Americans (mostly Mexican).

All seemingly capable of being able to afford the rent just fine.

In my days living in Roma Norte or Condesa, there were no shortage of foreigners but there were more local Mexicans than foreigners that I saw walking the streets.

And I say “walking the streets” and not just “saw” because, as we know, you have those employed in the area who don’t actually live there.

But I saw anyhow more locals eating, going to the local bars or leaving apartment buildings than gringos.

I only say this anyway just to calm down the xenophobic vibes I get from those claiming that it’s mostly just us gringos gentrifying everything.

It always include plenty – if not a majority – of more comfortable locals too.

And to get the liberals on board with what I’m saying – look, the richer locals I’ve seen were white looking.

Whitexicans as you can call them!

A group of people I wrote about here.

Given they are white looking, I guess the liberals can feel comfortable with what I’m saying since plenty see white as bad.

So maybe I’ve convinced some unlikely folks with what I’m saying here by appealing to preconceived racial biases.

Anyway, the point being is to calm down your xenophobic shit and stop blaming just foreigners for the rising rent in some neighborhoods of Mexico.

And I say some.

The Capital is Usually More Expensive

Look, I get rent across all of Mexico City can be a bit more expensive.

Considerably more expensive than the rest of the country for sure.

When I lived in Pachuca, I saw houses go for 150 bucks a month in rent.

Entire fucking houses.

What would 150 a month get you in Mexico City?

Don’t ask.

Either way, it’s not unusual.

Look, it’s the capital city of Mexico – the capital cities of most countries are considerably more expensive than the rest of the country.

Washington DC (or NYC even) versus Iowa or Ohio.

London versus Yarmouth.

So on and so on.

So, first and foremost, while we can all complain about rising rent in Mexico City, let’s keep some comparison in mind.

And let’s think of other areas.

Why Roma Norte?

This is another argument I find dumb also.

When people focus on rising rent in Mexico City as an example of gentrification, they focus on Roma Norte or Condesa.

Maybe Polanco or the center of Coyoacan.

Personally, my head explodes every time I feel someone is looking at all of Mexico City as condensed into just those areas.

Granted, other foreigners are the usual suspects most guilty of this.

Among the locals (even those new to Mexico City), it’s not so much that but instead a resentment against being able to afford the higher rent in neighborhoods known for being nicer as you can see here.

To explain what you are seeing above, basically some chick posted a rental for an apartment in Mexico City by the historic center.

And, to be fair, she was a little bit demanding in terms of requirements to prove financial solvency for renting there.

At least compared to most Mexicans.

Still, people overreacted to her advertisement and someone commented on how it seems that some folks just have resentment against those who either offer nicer (more expensive) places to live in or those who live in such areas.

When discussing the argument of us gringos “gentrifying areas,” I believe the same argument should be brought up.

In my time here, I have noticed a certain vibe from some folks in Latin America that comes across as jealously.

Even if I’m not flashing anything expensive, my simple existence as a foreigner (especially a white one) invokes preconceived notions that I’m making it rain all day every day.

When the reality is far from that.

Yes, my monthly spend of 500 bucks a month is a little bit more than your average Mexican my age but it isn’t anything really.

Anyway, let’s move on from that.

Who Gives a Fuck If They Poor?

I can see it already.

Some gringo shows up to Latin America.

At a touristy beach area.

He bargains a local carrying beers around.

Gets 6 beers for 4 bucks when the initial offer was 4.5 bucks.

Look, that’s obviously a tiny bit cringe.

Bargaining down a dude over 50 cents?


I get the sentiment some gringos have of not wanting to be treated different for their race or nationality as I have shown myself here when annoyed at a local wanting to charge me an extra 10 cents for some chips.

I get that – don’t support a local who treats you differently for who you are.

Still, I simply choose not to do business with someone like that than bargain. Why give them any money at all?

If you are bargaining down a local though who only makes like 200 bucks a month though only because you truly want to save 50 cents, then that is where I’d refer you back to the first argument of “you shouldn’t be poor in Latin America until you are 40” argument way above.

If 50 cents is going to break the bank, you might need to reevaluate your life goals.

Still, let’s go back to that.

On the Tayrona beach of Colombia, there is a gringo right now bargaining a local down by 50 cents.

The local agrees or disagrees with the offered price.

Who gives a fuck if said gringo is truly so poor that he wants to bargain like that?

Now, if said foreigner ends up homeless like these foreigners in Thailand as you can see here, then I get it.

No country wants extra homeless people.

But what if they don’t end up homeless, stealing local jobs or using welfare?

Which, as a side point, they would never get their hands on local welfare anyhow (aside from maybe a small charity group somewhere).

Still, who gives a fuck?

This is where I smell entitlement and where I start pulling out knives.

Why the fuck do you, the local, see us foreigners as just ATM machines?

That if they can’t satisfy your desire to give you money or teach you English then you act like a faggot ass backwards cunt?

I wrote about that topic here.

How it’s easy to feel so many locals in Latin America only care about us because they want free English lessons, our money or sex (gringo hunters).

Though, as I said in that article, most locals aren’t like that in Latin America but they do exist.

That’s something that annoys me anyhow.

It comes across as entitlement.

That if said relatively poor foreigner (who is still richer than many of the locals), isn’t dropping 200 bucks a day, then he should fuck off.

Should many of your people in our country fuck off then for coming illegally?

Well, we deport them anyway (aside from those in select cities), so maybe I shouldn’t bring that up…

Still, I don’t control government policy in the US and the bigger point here is simply pointing out the retardation of some of the locals who truly only see us as ATM machines.

And that, if they don’t fit that role, then “fuck off!”

It’s part of the superficiality of the niceness of Latinos.

Many say they are “very nice! Much nicer than gringos!”

When, in reality, that niceness is very superficial and, if you don’t fit certain roles like being an ATM machine, their token friend, English tutor, etc., then you are discarded by SOME.

And I emphasize some – in areas with no tourism value, it’s not really as much of an issue as you can imagine.

Which is one of the main reasons why I don’t live in touristy areas (among others).

At the end of the day though, who gives a fuck if said gringo is poor if he doesn’t steal a local job, doesn’t use welfare and isn’t homeless?

The motherfucker obviously isn’t gentrifying anything if he is poor and still probably spends more than your average local.

Especially as temporary and permanent residency visa requirements can sometimes be not very well aligned with the actual cost of living to have a decent life in Latin America.

Though that issue varies by the country obviously.

Anyway, if said poor gringo isn’t a burden on society and is simply living life, then as I said, who gives a fuck?

He isn’t bothering anyone and is still contributing to society without taking much of anything.

The only people who should be angry are the local incel faggots who jerk off their 2 inch dicks in anger at the photos of gringos hanging out with local Latinas posted on Instagram.

Keep crying, incel local faggots.

Outside of them anyway, there’s no reason to be angry because the usual poor gringo still contributes without taking anything (assuming he works online, uses retirement funds or savings to live here – which most do).

The Hypocrisy on Stealing the Jobs

This is another thing I find odd.

I’ll keep it simple though.

It’s a question I have – for those foreigners (or Mexicans) who are concerned about the few gringos stealing jobs down here, I would ask how many of you find it bad when a Mexican is working illegally in the US?

Is your outrage only against the gringos doing it because you are either a Mexican who only cares about your own country but not the laws of another country or because you are a self-hating gringo whose racial identity politics dictates what you are angry at?

To be fair, similar questions could be asked to conservatives back home in the US but I doubt many give thought to Americans working illegally in Mexico.

Anyway, we’ll leave it at that.

“Too Many of You!”

I don’t hear about too many Paraguayans or Nicaraguans bitching about the foreigners moving in.

As I wrote here, Latinos are not immune to bitching about foreigners moving into the neighborhood.

You have plenty of locals in Latin America who bitch about Latinos of other countries moving in.

The Colombians or Peruvians who bitch about the Venezuelans.

The Mexicans who bitch about the Guatemalans or Hondurans.

The Costa Ricans who bitch about the Nicaraguans.

The Argentines who bitch about the Bolivians.

The Chileans who bitch about the Colombians.

So on and so on!

What do they all have in common?

A number of that type of nationality moving in by large numbers to the other country.

It’s human nature in my opinion.

Not unusual for people in any country to bitch about too many folks from another culture, race or country moving into the neighborhood.

Most are fine with a few.

Beyond a few? The bitching starts.

Even if they gleefully take your money.

The bitching is only behind your back then on most occasions.

Anyway, as you can see here, there’s been a shit ton more foreigners moving into Mexico City with the Covid shit going on.

Mexico being a more liberal country for those escaping Covid requirements and for “digital nomads.”

I imagine that increase in foreigners living here has caused a little bit of the backlash we have seen.

Legal is Legal

Before we wrap this up, I’ll say that legal is legal.

A country’s laws are the country’s laws.

Even if they don’t make much sense in practice and are worthy of criticism, it is what it is.

While I am overstaying my last FMM (tourist card) granted to me, I recognize every country has a right to make the rules it wants regarding immigration and visa laws.

In practice, it makes me hypocritical to be fair as my beliefs collide with my behavior.

Anyway, even if they don’t make sense – what can you do?

Not like I’ll be able to talk sense to the overlords of Mexico who pass the legislation and inform them that any gringo can live in Mexico just fine, be productive and contribute and not have 40,000 in the bank for official residency.  

But to those elites who take bribes and some of whom work with cartel organizations (among other corrupt behavior), my opinion likely doesn’t matter.

Stereotypes Are Not Bad

I can’t complain, can I?

I often generalize Mexicans quite a bit also.

And, as you can see in this article, I’ve sometimes generalized other gringos into specific groups.

My glass house has been shattered.

So I’m not entirely against stereotypes.

You do have some gringos who spend a shit ton more money on average than your typical local and who has no regard or knowledge about what local prices are for things like rent.

Consequently, said gringo is suckered into spending double what a local would.

And you do have some younger gringos who actually work under the table stealing a job that a Mexican could’ve done.

So there is smoke behind the fire and so I’m not against each portrayal of gringos necessarily.

I only find it slightly annoying because I am a gringo and….



The Profile I Am Not Part Of

This is really what I wanted to say.

Everything said previously is just argumentation regarding the stereotypes mentioned.

Going through what seems relevant to the topic.

But, being honest, I’m only writing about this because I find the stereotypes annoying because they feel applied to me as I am a gringo in Latin America.

Living in Mexico where the controversy is.

As I said, who the fuck am I gentrifying?

I don’t even live in gentrified neighborhoods.

When I look for a new place to move into, I make an effort to not pay more than a local would.

Not because of some faggot ass social justice concern to not gentrify but only because I don’t like it when a local wants to treat me differently as a piggy bank for being different racially and nationality wise.

So the prices I pay for rent are the same prices advertised to the locals online always.

And what I pay is always so little given I don’t have a family and no need for a bigger place.

Prices usually hovering between 125 to 300 bucks a month for rent.

I actively make sure not to pay more than the locals for most goods (not just rent).

Wow – watch out. I’m making it rain out here, motherfucker!

On the flip side, who gives a fuck if I don’t spend insane amounts of money down here?

Again, I don’t steal any local jobs.

I don’t use welfare.

I’m not homeless.

My existence down here is so minimal that few even notice me.

I live a very simple life.

Want to know what I do day to day?

Sometime between 10 AM to 12 PM, I wake up.

I scratch my balls (big as they are).

I have morning wood and swing my 17 inch dick back and forth knocking shit down off my desk like I’m Godzilla.

Listen to some music.

Take a piss.



Meet a friend or fuck a Tinder chick.

Write for this blog.

Make money for my other endeavours.

Relax in bed.

Read text messages from my sister saying “fuck you bitch, you suck Matt. Suck my dick”

Chill at a park.


Work out at gym.

Eat again.

Relax rest of night doing whatever.

End of story.

Not very exciting, is it?

But I’m not taking from Mexican society.

Despite not spending an insane amount per month, I still spend and contribute to the economy.

And spend more than your average local my age especially.

So I’m not gentrifying anything and I’m contributing small amounts while not taking more than I contribute.

Who gives a fuck then if I’m, in their eyes, a “poor foreigner?”

Fuck off faggot.

It’s a stupid argument anyway.

And it’s really something bigger than they want to admit.

Xenophobia Behind Economic Arguments

Look, the American who says shit like “they are taking our jobs” or “they are lazy” about the Mexican might be legit concerned about those talking points but probably, if we’re being honest, is just using “economic arguments” to cover xenophobia.

That’s how I feel when it comes to the “economic” arguments used against us gringos down here.

That we gentrify or are too poor to have value in Mexico.

Now, as I said, the too poor argument is basically bullshit. Very few foreigners end up homeless down here and only a few take any local jobs.

You could argue pretty effectively the “economic arguments” of stealing jobs is more relevant to Mexicans in the US than Americans in Mexico but that’s mostly because of economics.

Your typical American can earn USD online and spend in pesos or use their retirement fund.

Your typical Mexican immigrant in the US couldn’t benefit from that exchange rate advantage up north.

So, in effect, you could argue that the “economic arguments” are more relevant to the “typical” Mexican illegal immigrant up north then the “typical” American expat (or immigrant) down south.

Still, regardless of the validity of the economic arguments against either side of the coin, I personally feel that some folks on both sides use those arguments to simply cover their xenophobia.

That we all know that it’s not as logical or well-received to say “I don’t like people who aren’t like me. They can fuck off.”

Therefore, we come up with arguments to play the game of trying to sound logical when, in reality, those making the arguments for either side above would gladly wipe their asses with their talking points after taking a massive shit from eating a burrito at Taco Bell.

Many who use the arguments against either side don’t truly give a fuck about their talking points.

Or at least that’s how it comes across to me.

Final Thoughts

Those were all the initial thoughts that came my way.

Not much else to say outside of, as I said before, the inherent contradiction from labelling us gringos as both “too poor for Mexico” and “gentrifying” the country.

As I said under the section about xenophobia, it really feels like some folks (foreigners and locals) just make up arguments to sound more logical than their real backwards xenophobic feelings would come across.

And that, in their eyes, we gringos only serve to show up to a resort by Cancun, spend 5,000 and ditch. That, in the eyes of a few ignorant locals and other foreigners, we don’t have any role in society outside of being piggy banks.

They sure sound better than the racist folks they hear about up north bitching about Latino immigration, huh?

Anyway, what’s the solution?

Well, it’s not much really.

Personally, on a day to day basis, most folks in Mexico (and Latin America) are nice.

Granted, I don’t live in touristy areas and stay away from folks who put me into a box where I should fit a certain role for being a foreigner.

And I don’t hang out with other foreigners who are self-hating.

That’s part of the solution – don’t hang out with dumb cunts.

And, perhaps more importantly, realize that residency requirements in Latin America are likely to only go on the up and up from here.

You see that complaint among gringo expats in expat groups in Facebook all the time.

Gringos in Mexico bitching about how the minimal requirement to get residency in Mexico keeps going up every day as that threshold is tied to the annual increase in the Mexican minimum wage.

Of course, as a side point, it’s not the worst idea in the world, especially if you are a young stud, to just marry a local gal and get her pregnant.

Mexico can’t get rid of you then!

“We, the Mexican government, want 2,500 USD a month to be seen in your bank account.”

“Fuck yo bitch ass, Mexican government. I got a señorita and a kid!”

“Oh dang, this gringo is good.”

And, above all, don’t sweat any of this.

Learn to enjoy your life here and make it work how you can.

Personally, I only find annoying this idea that I gentrify shit (I objectively don’t) or that my value is only evident when I spend 10x more than a typical local.

Either way, in the long run, it doesn’t matter as I am increasingly more thoughtful on my long term future.

Assuming I don’t get another pregnancy scare (only possible if no other Latina tells me “dame hijos blancos”), then we should be good.

Maybe a future in Chile after a few years of traveling.

Anyway, that’s all I got to say on this topic.

Drop a comment below in the comment section.

And follow my Twitter here.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards,



Luis - February 23, 2023 Reply

Becky, yes you and other gringos are gentrifying and destroying Mexico.
Newsflash: Mexicans don’t want you there.

    Matt - February 23, 2023 Reply

    Lol nope, I don’t gentrify shit. I only pay 4000 pesos a month in rent and found the place I did on a Facebook group advertised for Mexicans.

    Let’s cut the BS though and just have you say what is really on your mind — you don’t like gringos and white people in your area. Stop being a limp dick loser and just say what really bothers you.

    By the way, based on your IP address, you don’t even live in Mexico LOL are you actually Mexican or just one of those pochos that hate it when white people know about your parent’s culture more than you?

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