All you need to know about Iberian America

Visiting Parque Ecológico Loreto y Peña Pobre in Mexico City

Published August 3, 2022 in Mexico - 0 Comments

There is a park in Mexico City called Parque Ecológico Loreto y Peña Pobre.

It's located in Tlaplan area just close to Cuicuilco area.

Once you leave Cuicuilco, you head south and then turn left.

Anyway, it's a small little park.

You'll see some poor little buildings to the side once you walk past the little parking lot they have and the entrance.

Free entrance.

They have a few restaurants/cafes in the area.

The park itself is small.

Could see it all in 5 minutes.

OK for a quick visit.

I did like it though.

More suitable if you plan on staying a while to have a cup of coffee or something.

Anyway, enjoy the photos below.

And follow my Twitter here.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards,


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