A few weeks ago, I got some random email from a dude who had been messaging me for months regarding life in Latin America.
He actually knows Latin America. He primarily likes the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Brazil.
At any rate, he was just asking basic questions.
I don’t know him personally but I don’t mind answering questions from people who reach out to me.
Either way, he was commenting on how he also knows cities in Colombia like Bogota, Barranquilla, Cali, etc.
Even has been to Mexico City too supposedly.
What did he think of the city I live in?
To paraphrase, he basically said that the city is very modern and very comfortable but the women are very butt fucking ugly.
But, in his words, also admits that “maybe he’s spoiled by women in Colombia.”
Which is a side point – men who travel to Latin America can sometimes find themselves disappointed when they travel from one country to the next.
A man who travels to Mexico City might find it better dating wise than back home but he’s not going to like it as much if he’s been to Brazil or Colombia.
Either way, he said something to the effect of “Mexico City seems nice but I couldn’t live there. I just didn’t like the women.”
Equally so, he also couldn’t find himself living in Bogota for too long.
And the reason was similar.
While he found the average girl in Bogota to be pretty, they just didn’t do it for him and had colder personalities compared to those in other Colombian cities like Barranquilla or Cali.
Which I can’t disagree with either.
I would actually say that Mexico City, when things are considered, provides a more comfortable life than Bogota.
But the women in Bogota are prettier than those in Mexico City.
Take it further now.
While Bogota offers a more comfortable life than Cali or Barranquilla as it’s more modern, it also has less attractive women than the chicks in those last two cities mentioned.
And that really brings us to an interesting point about the expat life for some foreigners who choose to live in Latin America.
Particularly those who come here with the biggest motivation being focused on sex.
How Much Comfort Will You Sacrifice for Latina Pussy?
I’ve known other guys who have thought the same way.
For example, when I lived in Colombia, there was one black American part of my group of Americans living in Barranquilla in which the guy said something to the effect of “women here are very hot and easy. When I come back, I’d probably do Pereira over other cities.”
And we got talking about the different cities he could live in.
Why not Bogota?
Why not Medellin?
Or Barranquilla?
Well, for Barranquilla, he said it’s simply too hot for him.
Bogota had women who were too cold and not as hot as elsewhere
And while Medellin had hot women, he found that they were “too spoiled” by all of the foreign male attention that the city gets bombarded with.
How true that is left up to your imagination – I’ve never been to Medellin but it doesn’t sound too unlikely given how it’s one of the top cities for sex tourists to Colombia.
So he wants Pereira instead!
Hell, he might be there now as I write this.
But one other interesting thing to note about our conversation was how he mentioned that “he felt too comfortable” in Medellin.
He prefers a city that is lesser developed. “Feels more like Latin America” as he put it.
Which is a side point – as I wrote here, there are foreigners who prefer areas of Latin America that are not overly developed because “it ain’t real Latin America if it ain’t underdeveloped.”
While I live in maybe not the nicest neighborhood of Mexico City as I write this, I do find this argument to be kinda retarded.
On one hand, I get it as nicer areas have more McDonalds and other US companies with more English speaking locals that might take away the feel of authenticity for some.
But to say that an area where the locals are not living in knee deep shit poverty isn’t “real Latin America” is kinda stupid.
Either way, I’ve simply noticed that some sex tourists – not all of them – prefer the underdeveloped and less comfortable areas of Latin America.
Leave it up to your imagination as to why that might be.
Regardless, I don’t disagree entirely with the idea that one might have to sacrifice living in a nicer area of Latin America for better pussy.
I get what someone like that dude who emailed me was getting at.
This isn’t always true across all of Latin America to be fair.
Some cities – like Medellin or Rio de Janeiro – are more developed and can offer comfort (even if a place like Rio or various cities in Brazil carry plenty of crime).
But really those are only a few cities where you see that.
The cities that are the most comfortable – Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Bogota, Santiago – don’t get a certain type of sex tourist like the guy who emailed me.
Where said guy, like others out there quite likely, are not necessarily going to Medellin or Rio for some reason but avoid those other comfortable cities mentioned because they find that they have better sexual experiences in lesser developed cities.
In short, they are trading away some comfort that they could get from a city like Mexico City or Bogota for what they see as better looking women who will have sex easier.
And I say “have sex easier” with emphasis because, truth be told, you do got hot women in Mexico City or Buenos Aires.
Granted, I agree that the average chick you see in Mexico City is less attractive than Barranquilla. Without question.
But there are hot women in Mexico City and hot women in Buenos Aries.
It’s just that, from what I have noticed, these same guys find it more difficult to get women of nicer quality to fuck them in those cities versus a place like Barranquilla or Cali.
Or perhaps Santo Domingo.
So on and so on.
That, as we can see in that email mentioned way above, there is, as I said already, some sacrifice of comfort for better sexual experiences.
What are my thoughts on this?
Final Thoughts
Honestly, if you’re like a 22 year old dude like that black American dude mentioned above, I kinda get it.
You’re 22.
You don’t got any responsibilities.
Why not travel to less comfortable cities to fuck around?
Granted, I’d hope that said American is at least taking advantage of this awesome opportunity to travel abroad and doing other cool shit beyond just chasing pussy.
It’d be a real waste of opportunity for anyone to travel abroad only for pussy and not do any other cool shit.
But let’s say you want to live down here.
Look, if you establish roots in a place like Mexico City and aren’t a complete loser with women where you kinda have your shit together and have a social circle, it isn’t overly difficult to fuck women who aren’t ugly.
Who actually look good.
It isn’t – you develop a social circle, have a life down here and you meet plenty of cute women.
Especially in a city of 20 million with foreigners from all over the world living here. It’s not hard to find other cute chicks.
And, just in my personal preference, I prefer being comfortable over having hotter women to fuck.
I’m satisfied with the women that exist in Mexico City and I’d be equally satisfied in a place like Bogota, Santiago, Buenos Aires, etc.
While I could see myself living in Santo Domingo for example for a few months to party and appreciate what else the country has (especially as I want to see the Caribbean area of Latin America more), I couldn’t see myself living there for years.
When I was in Santo Domingo, I didn’t like the average Dominican I found.
I found most Dominicans I met to be of low intelligence and very aggressive in trying to fuck you over with low IQ scams that only a person with down syndrome could come up with.
That isn’t to say that there aren’t smart Dominicans who don’t try to fuck you over – plenty of them!
The country has lots of people like that, I’m sure.
I’m just saying that I don’t think I would like a life in the DR for, at most, a year.
A year and I’d have to get the fuck out.
Maybe a trip to Puerto Rico where the people are not only more awesome than the Dominicans but they make better reggaeton music.
Shots fired. Shots fired.
Joking aside, I don’t actually have anything against Dominicans.
But the truth is I couldn’t see myself living there for more than a year because I did find the country to have more scammers than other places and it wasn’t overly comfortable as a country for me.
Truth be told, I value comfort over living in a place with easier women.
In part because a place like Mexico City – despite having uglier chicks on average versus a place like Santo Domingo – has enough chicks that are easy enough and have looks that I’m happy with personally.
But, more importantly, is a place where I’m just very comfortable and have a social circle.
So why give it up?
If you really want those hotter and easier chicks elsewhere, why not set up base in a comfortable city and take your occasional month-long vacation elsewhere?
That’s how I see it.
Though, to be fair, you could live comfortably in any of the "less comfortable" cities that I mentioned if you have enough money.
But sex tourists who live here don't always have much of that if we're being honest and the city outside your luxury apartment is still the same city with the lesser development compared to other Latin cities.
Though, as the guy who emailed told me, apparently Barranquilla has made significant infrastructure improvements since I was there.
And I'm sure that's true of many other cities in the world.
Anyway, if you got anything to add, drop a comment below.
And follow my Twitter here.
Thanks for reading.
Best regards,
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