All you need to know about Iberian America

The Right-Wing Alliance of Latin America Against Communism

Published October 29, 2021 in Personal Stories & Opinions - 5 Comments

As I’ve written in articles like this one here, here or this one here, you sometimes can find examples of the Latin American left aligning itself somehow with the left of other countries.

Either the alignment is purely symbolic without much substance (like some declaration of “solidarity” with nothing more) or it could be substantive like offering financial resources.

The same could be said of the Latin right where you can find similar examples that are either symbolic or substantive.

Of which we'll discuss some interesting examples that have come out recently of the Latin right identifying or aligning itself with the right of other countries.

And also the greater implications that has not only for political alignments but also for greater political changes on an international scale.

Let’s get to some examples that have come out recently first!

The Love for Spanish Imperialism

An interesting example that I already brought up in this article here is how you apparently have more sightings of the imperial Spanish flag in Latin America these days.

Granted, I live in Latin America and have yet to see anyone fly this flag.

But apparently it has something to do, at least in part, with celebrating “Hispanic Heritage” as you can see in this popular video here.

Por que todos debemos tener una bandera de borgona

As you can imagine if you have any sense of how politics works, it’s usually those on the right that wave this flag apparently.

According to this article here, it’s not an uncommon sight among some right wing parties in Peru and broader Latin America.

The flag in question anyway, as you can see in the video above, shows the Cross of Burgundy.

For those who don’t know, the Cross of Burgundy is meant to give respect to the Spanish Monarchy and its crusade in the former Spanish colonies.

The former Spanish colonies including much of Latin America obviously.

Here’s an interesting quote from that article last cited to get things going on this topic.

"Since June, Peruvians have been witnessing an unusual sight in the streets of Lima. Groups of people have been spotted bearing a flag with a little-known symbol called the Cross of Burgundy — it made its first appearance during post-election rallies against purported election fraud by current President Pedro Castillo and his party, Perú Libre.

More recently, on October 12, which is both Spain’s “Día de la Hispanidad” and Peru’s Indigenous Peoples and Intercultural Dialogue Day, the Peruvian Patriot Society (Sociedad Patriota del Perú) carried the flag in front of the statue of Christopher Columbus in Lima’s historical center.

The group claimed to be protecting the statue from demonstrators against the legacy of colonialism and violence perpetrated during the Spanish conquest against indigenous populations."

While this flag hasn’t ever been that common at all in Peru previously, right wing parties have been seen with the flag as there’s been a turn in Peruvian right wing politics to give respect to “Spanish legacy, Catholicism, and ties to the Iberian Peninsula.”

Outside of using the flag itself, there have been other moments where right wing Latin politics has demonstrated an alignment with right wing Spanish politics.

For example, the leader of the right wing Peruvian party Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori, was at a Viva 21 event that was held for “enriching Spanish culture.”

The event itself was held by right wing Spanish party Vox.

In the words of Fujimori, the importance of the event is due to how it is a “symbol of Hispanic unity against the socialism of the 21st century.”

At this same event, there was even a document called the Carta de Madrid that was signed by other Peruvian right wing politicians.

This letter being characterized as a way to “unite the “Iberosphere” against the global communist threat.”

Though, as I said, it’s not just Peruvian politicians getting in on this alliance with right wing parties of Spain.

The Alliance between Vox & PAN

This is something that made the news only a few odd months ago.

In Mexico, you have a more right-wing party called PAN.

Not to be confused with the delicious Pan de Muerto…

Haha jeje haha jeje…

I’m a comedian.

Anyway, various senators of the political party PAN also just recently signed the Carta de Madrid as a way to take a stance against communism in Latin America as you can see here.

in the words of the PAN representative at the event, it was said ““México nunca será comunista” as you can see here.

To be honest, this isn’t entirely unusual.

On one of my previous birthdays, I attended a protest against current Mexican President AMLO as you can read here.

Though I don’t have any allegiance to any political party of Mexico, I simply stumbled across the protest as it was happening literally almost outside of my apartment.

And, as you can read in that article, it became clear to me that many see AMLO as “socialist” and likely to “make Mexico into another Venezuela.”

In which they see an alliance between AMLO and other political leftists of Latin America like Evo Morales, Castro, Maduro and others.

Of course, to be fair, I can kinda understand why they’d say that as leftists in Latin America do form alliances – formal or informal – as I mentioned before.

Or at least they do help each other out as you can see here with Evo Morales being accepted into Mexico. 

At any rate, let’s move on.

Anti-Communist Alignment with Vox Among Other Latin Leaders

Let’s wrap up this party of the article about Vox since it serves as a pretty good example.

You’ve had other Latin leaders or highly connected political individuals be associated with Vox as well in the past.

For example, as you can see here, the son of Brazilian President Bolsonaro was at a Vox event also.

And, as we know, Bolsonaro himself wasn’t the biggest fan of leftists in Brazil as you can see with this quote here.

"During the dictatorship, they should have shot 30,000 corrupt people, starting with the (then) President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, which would have been a great gain for the nation."

Outside of Bolsonaro, you have former Colombian presidents attend Vox events also as you can see here.

“El diario El País publica este lunes que el partido que preside Santiago Abascal está reclutando personalidades políticas de América Latina a título personal, como el del expresidente colombiano Andrés Pastrana.”

And you have had reports of other Latin politicians like José Antonio Kast of Chile as you can see in this article here.

“El presidente del partido de ultraderecha española VOX, Santiago Abascal, y el líder del Partido Republicano, José Antonio Kast, se reunieron hoy en Madrid, España, donde trazaron lineamientos para mejorar a la ultraderecha.

Ambos coincidieron este lunes en la necesidad de recuperar valores como "la defensa de la vida, la familia y la libertad, atacados por las imposiciones ideológicas de la izquierda".

Según Abascal y Kast, consideraron a España y Chile como "naciones hermanas" e hicieron hincapié en la importancia de luchar contra el "marxismo cultural", informó VOX en un comunicado

El encuentro dejó clara la buena sintonía entre Abascal y Kast, de viaje por Europa, que obtuvo en las pasadas elecciones en Chile un ocho por ciento de los votos y actualmente aparece bien posicionado en las encuestas para las próximas presidenciales.”

Someone of some political importance as you can see in the quote above and in this video here.

Of course, these are just examples of right wing alignment of various Latin politicians with right wing alignment with those in Spain.

But it’s not just Spain that we should be looking at.

Before we go any further, we should evaluate some history to maybe better understand a possibility that we could see become more commonplace in the coming decades.

The Historical Example of Anti-Communism in Latin America

As we have seen so far, there has been an increased attention towards “anti-communism” in Latin America mixed with a greater respect towards Spanish legacy.

It’s really the “anti-communism” bit that is more interesting here for me.

In the last cold war, we saw very clearly an “anti-communism” take among various Latin leaders.

Especially those involved in Project Condor – an effort by various countries such as Chile, Argentina and Paraguay to make various leftists “disappear.”

Something we saw Bolsonaro talk about in that quote cited previously in this article as it relates to Brazil.

While these governments worked to tackle leftist individuals, they often worked as well with outside countries like the US.

Given the nature of the Cold War, the US obviously didn’t want too much leftist influence in Latin America that could be more aligned with the Soviet Union.

As we see in this example here where the US worked with South American forces to capture and kill Che Guevara.

Similarly, you had the US work with Chilean forces to eventually overthrow Allende in Chile as you can see here.

Of course, you had Soviet meddling in Latin America also as you can see here.

Among other examples as well.

But it wasn’t just the US or the Soviet Union doing their business in Latin America as it should be reminded.

You obviously had local leaders committing to the acts that they did.

Like the human rights abuses under Castro.

To the human rights abuses documented under the book “A lexicon of terror” by Marguerite Feitlowitz.

A book that details the Argentine Dirty War that sought to torture, kill and disappear those believed to be part of some “worldwide communist revolution” under the context of the Cold War.

Thus, any right wing or left wing alignments on a global scale to promote ideologies or the interest of other entities isn’t uncommon in Latin America.

We’ve seen it historically in the past and, as we are seeing now, there is arguably the beginning of similar alliances.

The main ingredients missing are authoritarian governments in Latin America and increased tensions similar to what we saw in the Cold War.

But that might be changing going forward.

Looking into the Future

Of course, it’s hard to predict how exactly the future will rhyme with the past.

But I think we can all agree that tensions are rising between the US and China as I wrote here.

A new Cold War?

Obviously, most people outside of defense contractors want another Cold War since it never turned out well for the poorer countries that got turned into proxy war battlegrounds the last time.

Be it Nicaragua, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba and anyone else in Latin America.

However, with the rhetoric and the alignments seen on an international scale against “communism,” one could maybe see the beginnings of what happened in the past.

For example, you have this accusation that Vox got involved in the overthrowing of leftist President of Bolivia Evo Morales as you can see here.

“Prensa Diputados, 27 de abr del 2021.- El representante de Bolivia ante el Parlamento Andino, supraestatal Adolfo Mendoza, advirtió que las injerencias de representantes de la extrema derecha europea como el Partido de ultraderecha español Vox, intentan generar desestabilidad en el Estado boliviano.

“Algunos sectores de características fascistas en Europa y partidos de derecha europea están tratando de generar un guion de desestabilización, del gobierno legitima y democráticamente electo de Luis Arce Catacora, esto a partir de una acción de Vox y de algunos otros parlamentarios que intentan generar las condiciones para crear la necesidad de una especie de sanción para Bolivia en torno a los sucesos de detención de la señora Jeanine Añez” detalló Mendoza.

Asimismo, denunció que el partido de ultra derecha europeo Vox, colaboró con la mantención del gobierno de facto, y con el propio golpe de Estado en noviembre de 2019, en la que participaron y trabajaron junto con Arturo Murillo y Luis Fernando López.”

Though, to be fair, while Vox might carry whatever influence it has in Latin America, it shouldn’t be overstated.

After all, it isn’t like Spain is the one that anyone predicts to be the other superpower in any upcoming Cold War.

Without considering any future Cold War, the extent to which entities like Vox matter only goes as far as to how well they can influence Latin politics to steer to the right.

In some elections, they might have success and others they won’t.

As we know, Latin politics has changed considerably from time to time as the region sometimes swings to the left or to the right.

Like what we saw with the Pink Tide of the 2000s where leftist leaders were doing quite well as you can read here.

So, at the very least, the Vox affiliation of numerous right wing Latin politicians is only important in illustrating how the right wing can and does make international relationships just like the left wing does in Latin America as I covered in previous articles already cited.

But going beyond that, the other question to ask is how does this relate to a potential Second Cold War?

While the first argument is already well established with the evidence showing how right wing entities can establish relationships also, it’s difficult to predict how this relates to changes in Latin politics in the coming decades.

Primarily because there’s so much we don’t know.

Does the US and China go to war over Taiwan in the next 5 years? If so, how does that play out?

If they don’t, how do politics in Latin America change in the coming decades as, if I had to make a prediction, both sides try to win over local governments down here?

How does this potential competition not only shape the politics of the region but also what risk does it carry in regards to potential new civil wars, rise of authoritarian governments and other shenanigans as we saw in the first Cold War?

We can already see one example of this in which this article here claims that the US, under Trump, tried to get Brazil to move away from China due to concerns over 5G and Huawei.

You also have the example of the origins of the Coronavirus.

Where it was known that Trump used to suggest that it came from a lab in China.

Due to American politics, the idea was called racist while Trump was President. Many dismissed the idea.

Now, being honest, I have no idea if it came from a lab or not. I’ve never looked into it personally. The last two years has been me living life as if the Covid shit hasn’t started.

But it’s interesting how, at the same time, you have right wing politicians say the same idea about the lab leak idea as you can see here in which Bolsonaro suggest that China is waging a “biological war” on all of us.

While Trump is no longer in office and Biden doesn’t have the best relationship with Bolsonaro as you can read here

It’s interesting how Biden also has at least now entertained the idea of a lab leak and, oddly enough, not as many people in the media are giving him shit over it.

My prediction is that, while the right wing in the US will always have a better time making connections with the right wing of Latin America, we shouldn’t dismiss the idea of the corporate left building solid relationships with them either if a second Cold War is to happen.

After all, as you can read here, it’s in the interest of right wing leaders like Bolsonaro to get along well with the US.

On top of that, their political rhetoric still can lean towards anti-communism and anti-China.

Though, as we can see here, even money can be a pressure for domestic politics in these countries to change.

And China has lots of money also!

But politics is politics and right wing leaders in Latin America do tend to lean towards a preference for the US and a stance against “communism” and China.

Even without a right wing leader like Trump in office, if the Cold War tensions intensify over issues like Taiwan, I can see even a left wing leader like Biden having success in getting a working relationship with right wing leaders like Bolsonaro.

But time will tell.

Final Thoughts

This article began on one topic and slowly transformed into a broader issue to discuss.

As I said, the first point is really just to illustrate how right wing entities and individuals can form international relationships just like left wing ones in Latin America.

The second point being a question of how this relates to any potential second Cold War.

With the previous Cold War serving as a way to help us understand a second one, we can see right wing leaders taking a stance against “international communism” and the Soviet Union even when certain presidents of the US during that time period were left leaning democrats.

And, consequently, you had Latin America turned into a battlefield for both sides to swing their dicks trying to establish support in various Latin countries.

Those like Cuba going to the Soviet Union.

Those like Chile going to the US.

As we have seen with the growing rhetoric of the right wing these days among “Iberian” countries regarding their anti-communism pledges in Madrid, it’s a question of how this will intensify.

And, more importantly, how will the US exploit this under both right wing and left wing presidents.

That’s the other question to ponder.

At any rate, I’ll leave these questions to be pondered by you.

I hate trying to “predict” the future since there are so many variables.

I’ll keep it simple for the purposes of this article but would enjoy reading any comments on this topic below in the comment section.

If you have anything to say, drop a comment below.

Finally, as it relates to a second Cold War, I guess I could’ve covered also the alignment that left wing leaders of Latin America internationally and with China (or Russia actually).

Something to discuss in another article!

Or in the comments below?

Why not both?

Anyway, follow my Twitter here.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards,



Dazza - October 30, 2021 Reply

A very interesting development but I can guess from the Spanish side it has less to do with ‘anti-communism’ than wanting to be a cultural leader in a prosperous region where they have great influence even today – they have next to no influence within the EU so trying to forge links with their former colonies where they do share cultural and historical ties and be a leader for that part of the world would be tempting for the far right who want to hark back to a more golden age of Spanish history where they were relevant.

I have never heard of the word ‘Iberosphere/Ibosfera’ until I read your article but the same has happened in the UK with the ‘Anglosphere’ and Brexit was a movement partly based of rejecting Europe – a lot of the countries where we have very little to no cultural ties at all – to forge links with nations that we do – countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada and to a lesser degree India, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa etc.

For the right wing, a cultural shift to those past times might seem attractive – The actual timeframe of Spanish decline that came to the fore when they lost their colonies that culminated with the losses of their Caribbean possessions to the United States in 1898 – that was very embarrassing for the Spanish nation to lose in that manner – it is said by some commentators that anti-Americanism that exists today still stems from those times. Spain is one of the few European powers that actually lost every single one of their colonies through being thrown out by the locals but it seems the locals are rather forgiving about wanting them around. The Spanish – their empire was their high point… as was sung by the Spanish punk band Los Nikis and the song ‘El Impreio Contraataca’

Hace mucho tiempo que se acabo
pero es que hay cosas que nunca se olvidan
por mucho tiempo que pase.
1582, el sol no se ponia en nuestro imperio
me gusta mucho esta frase.
Con los austrias y con los borbones
perdimos nuestras posesiones.
Esto tiene que cambiar
nuestros nietos se merecen
que la historia se repita varias veces.
Mira como gana la seleccion
España esta aplastando a Yugoslavia
por 20 puntos arriba.
Cambia el rumbo de la evasion
de cuba van directos a canarias
y yan no van a florida.
Los McDonals estan de vacas flacas
ha vencido la tortilla de patatas
en Las Vegas no hay black jack
solo se juega al cinquillo
y la moda es el rojo y amarillo.
Seremos de nuevo un Imperio..

Good song by the way.

    Matt - October 30, 2021 Reply

    Thanks for the song suggestion. I’ll check it out.

    And thanks for the perspective on Spain wanting to “reclaim” its past.

    Though I’m not sure I’d characterize it as the Spanish government wanting to do that. It seems to be potentially a thing more for the right-wing party Vox of Spain. Which makes sense.

    Thinking about it today, I almost wondered if that imperial Spanish flag is like the confederate flag but for Latinos? I have no idea. I’m not Latino. But in the US, you have folks who cling onto the confederate flag due to Southern heritage while others dislike it. To me, it seems like the imperial Spanish flag would be similar. Some more on the right want to cling onto it for heritage while others dislike it due to its connection with a previous government and its actions.

    In Latin America, it makes some sense to me why some would cling onto it though for Spanish heritage. After all, Latin America is full of people of different races. Those of more Spanish heritage might simply resonate more with their Spanish heritage than anything else and see it in a more favorable light? At any rate, from what I’ve seen looking into this, it seems more of the folks behind supporting Vox in Latin America are whiter looking. If I had to guess, probably more Spanish heritage in them anyhow.

    Funny anyhow of Spain wanting to reconnect with its “iberosphere.” We’re seeing something similar with the US teaming up with the UK, Australia and India when it comes to China. Sure seems like parts of the world are reconnecting to their historical roots. Almost feels like the prequel to a new World War. Cmon you Anglos, we’ll team with the Iberians! March to war now!


    If that happens, I’ll move even farther south quicker than I planned.

    A nice stay in Patagonia of Argentina should keep me safe from the nukes. Maybe Puerto Williams?

Dazza - October 31, 2021 Reply

Well, I never mentioned the Spanish government who are pro-EU and European integration as are the majority of the Spanish population but like in the UK – Spain had a large settler colonial population that share language and culture with the homeland thus something like the Anglosphere (the Iberosphere) can work in more right wing circles like the VOX party who want to hark back to an earlier time of Spanish ‘greatness’.

There are plenty of fascists in Spain though but I have never seen that flag flown either – they usually like to fly the old Spanish flag of Franco (the black eagle flag) or an actual Nazi swastika flag – you tend to see those a lot at Real Madrid games or you once did not all that long ago.

Like Australia and New Zealand – Latin America is a settler population with an imported European culture – of course, this is more profound in some countries than it is in others. I can’t imagine VOX having much joy in Bolivia or Guatemala but moreso in Colombia or Uruguay – Peru was one of the two main epicentres of the Spanish Empire (the other being Mexico) so I can see why Peru would be important to fascists in Spain wanting to reclaim their prestige of empire.

The UK and the ‘Anglosphere’ and closer ties with Australia, New Zealand and Canada (not the US so much because the US is seen as a rival cultural influencer… saying that, people who support the ‘Anglosphere’ feel that the United States is an important military and economic ally, culturally though, not so much as all our countries are awash with US culture) which led to Brexit was engineered by the same thoughts and feelings of a former colonial power that had better times in the past and wanted to reclaim them.

Unlike the UK-US cultural divide and influence – Spain doesn’t have any rivals at this moment in time – they have a free reign to take the mantle as cultural influencer and the father of a lot of those nations and like you said, a lot of people in Latin America can trace back their Spanish ancestry to a not too distant time – it is going to appeal to large number of people of that political persuasion.

Dazza - October 31, 2021 Reply

There is a movement in the UK and former commonwealth countries called CANZUK which wants to promote further ties with Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK – like I said about the absence of the US in this movement, the US is the elephant sat in the dog kennel and is seen as enough of a foreign (overpowering?) influence to be omitted by this club.

The main engine behind this is for the UK to take its place and to lead the Commonwealth nations to prosperity like they did when they had their empire – a lot of people want this rather than being part of the EU – myself, like a lot of Spanish people – see our future as part of Europe instead of harking back for some time long gone but a lot of people want the greatness to return again – one day soon – we will see a similar movement in Spain to CANZUK – and from small acorns grow big Oak trees – which is what led to Brexit.

    Matt - October 31, 2021 Reply

    “I can’t imagine VOX having much joy in Bolivia”

    Maybe in Santa Cruz area of Bolivia. They tend to be right-wing and there’s even folks who want to break away from the rest of Bolivia in that part. They also tend to have less of an indigenous population compared to the rest of the country.

    “Spain doesn’t have any rivals at this moment in time – they have a free reign to take the mantle as cultural influencer and the father of a lot of those nations”

    That’s true. Though as tensions rise between the US & allies and China/Russia, we’ll see more Russian and Chinese efforts to penetrate Latin America. Though neither country sees Spain as an enemy (despite Spain being in NATO), there is a question of how Chinese and Russian influence could impact any Spanish efforts to have more influence in the region. Especially if those efforts are brought forth by a “anti-communism” right-wing group like Vox.

    Here’s an interesting article titled “Russia in Latin America: repercussions for Spain.” It’s pretty long but you might find it interesting.

    Here’s two quotes from the summary.

    “The strengthening of ties between Russia and Latin America is ambivalent for the interests of Spain. Russia’s increased presence in the region does not make Spain relatively less attractive and influential in its most important foreign-policy space. Nonetheless, its support for non-democratic governments like Venezuela, together with arms sales and military cooperation with Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela, have the potential to destabilise the region, with a negative impact for Spanish investments and political interests.”

    “Political instability in the region, which can be aggravated by Russia’s use of traditional and social media, has the potential to harm the political and economic interests of Spain and the EU, so it is vitally important that the EU and Spain play a constructive role in Latin America. This means showing a long-term commitment to the region. Europe must be a reliable partner that seeks to promote close associations in addressing shared challenges. This will include signing the EU-MERCOSUR Association Agreement but also participating in joint efforts to tackle specific threats like transnational crime, drug trafficking, terrorism and people trafficking. It may also include working together to promote regional investment and development and ultimately meet the objectives set at the last CELAC summit.”

    “There is a movement in the UK and former commonwealth countries called CANZUK which wants to promote further ties with Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK – like I said about the absence of the US in this movement, the US is the elephant sat in the dog kennel and is seen as enough of a foreign (overpowering?) influence to be omitted by this club.”

    True, though with how Brexit has gone for the UK economically, I think that has helped us expand our influence economically into the UK recently as you can see here (though not the entire movement CANZUK). Shame they won’t invite us. Guess we’ll just dump their tea into the harbor again. :'(

    “On healthcare, access to the UK market would be a good outcome for US negotiators, as representatives of the US healthcare sector are interested in expanding into the UK. However, UK negotiators have stated: “The NHS will not be on the table. The price the NHS pays for drugs will not be on the table. The services the NHS provides will not be on the table. The NHS is not, and never will be, for sale to the private sector, whether overseas or domestic.”

    This being said, a U-turn is possible particularly if there is no other way to strike a deal. The NHS is so important in regards to a deal with the US that it may have to be re-examined.”

    Hehehehe — we’re coming for your healthcare lol.

    “we will see a similar movement in Spain to CANZUK”

    True and you see the same in other countries like Greece here that never happened (yet maybe) or the case of France here.

    People talk about Russian influence in social media and other activities to weaken the EU here and support for particular politicians. However, as certain countries like France talk about the need for a EU army separate from the US after our withdrawal from Afghanistan here, I think we could see efforts by the US someday to break up the EU also as it could be seen as a challenge to US dominance.

    In that sense, someone like Trump could actually be beneficial to the US (not necessarily having to be in office) as Trump and others like Steve Bannon have encouraged more right wing populists in Europe here. We’ll see if they ever carry more success someday. Though, on the flip side, it could backfire also. I have no idea. There were talks of somehow tying Trump’s victory to Brexit but I’m not sure how much one influenced the other. Though there is this article here pointing to a US billionaire who backed Trump financially also backing the Brexit movement here.

    “It has emerged that Robert Mercer, a hedge-fund billionaire, who helped to finance the Trump campaign and who was revealed this weekend as one of the owners of the rightwing Breitbart News Network, is a long-time friend of Nigel Farage. He directed his data analytics firm to provide expert advice to the Leave campaign on how to target swing voters via Facebook – a donation of services that was not declared to the electoral commission.”

    We’ll see anyhow what the future holds with right-wing populism in the US and Europe. If they swing that way again, I could see it also maybe having an influence on Latin politics (going back to the topic). But I never like predicting the future. I’ll leave it at that.

    Thanks for the comments! Appreciate it.

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