All you need to know about Iberian America

The Future of Iberian America

Published April 1, 2021 in Personal Stories & Opinions - 4 Comments

This article will be short.

Shorter than most of my articles anyway.

It’s basically to document the progress at which this blog has gone in the last 9 months.

And to lay out my plan for how I look to progressing it in the future.

In 9 months, it now has over 300 articles.

Plenty of which I’m proud of.

But I am starting to get a little bit burned out with writing articles for this website.

Well, at the pace that I have been writing them.

In which some months I take a break…

Then other months I double down and kick out 50 to 100 articles.

The months at which I kick out so many articles gets quite tiring when I do it like that.

But I had always been motivated largely by my desire to document my life in Latin America up to this point.

Truth be told, I’m basically out of personal stories about my life in Latin America.

And most of my observations have been written down on paper.

I’d say I have roughly 60 or so article ideas left in the chamber.

Almost all of them being guides to all of the cities that I have been to in Latin America.

From Mexico City to Xela to Barranquilla to Pachuca to Buenos Aires and many more.

I haven’t touched those yet because I’m not as motivated to write basic guides to cities I have been to down here.

Honestly, those article topics seem pretty boring to me to write but I do see a benefit to writing them in case anyone wants to visit the cities that I write about on here.

It’ll take some time to get through those anyway.

Little by little.

At any rate, the direction that this website will go in the future is going to change.

Since I’ve essentially covered all of my personal experiences down here and most of my observations…

How will this website change in the future for those curious?

Article Content

First, I’d like to start inviting more people to do guest posts on my website.

Start to make connections with other folks who live down here.

If you are interested, shoot me an email through my contact form here.

Second, I plan to publish at a rate that is slower than before.

On one hand, I need to focus more on my own health in the coming months.

I’ve been feeling a bit low and need to focus more on myself in general.

Furthermore, I have to move onto other projects I have on the table.

I took this project with this website very strongly because I really wanted to lay out all of my thoughts and personal experiences in Latin America.

Mostly to finally document everything.

And even connect with similar folks who have experience down here also.

So the pace at which I post is going to be slower.

Maybe 10 articles a month more or less...

Could be more.

Could be 20.

Just depends on the free time I have and also the speed at which new ideas come at me to write about.

Because if I carry on the pace that I have been going, I’m going to run through all of the remaining article ideas I have left in two weeks to a month.

And I’d like to always have some in the chamber.

In case I ever feel an obligation to put something out there.

But that goes to the next point…

Third, I plan to do more investigative articles.

While I will also be doing guides to cities I have been to…

And also more articles on experiences and observations about life down here as they hit me….

I see more quality content in doing investigative articles.

Similar to this article here I wrote on social justice warriors or this article here on “gringos dancing for Latinos.”

Those articles take a lot more time and can’t be done in 30 minutes to an hour like so many of my articles were.

Those could take as much as 4 hours to write.

More or less.

But, like I said, I see a lot of value in them in terms of digging into deeper topics about life in Latin America that most folks don’t dig too deeply into.

So I’d like to do that.

And if there are any specific topics that you’d like me to look deeply into…

Let me know in the comment section below or by email!

As I take that type of content more seriously, I very well might do it.

Wrapping it Up

And that’s that!

That’s my plan for this website going into the next year or so.

I have much deeper plans for this website in the years beyond that.

Especially as there will come a point at which I will try to monetize this website also.

While expanding it into other venues beyond articles – such as Youtube video making and podcast production.

Plus, I need to take social media more seriously.

I’m terrible with my Twitter account in terms of driving up followers.

But I never had a Twitter account beforehand so forgive me on that one.

I’m more of a novice in that regard.

But, like I said, those plans are for in the future in about a year or less from now.

As I need to put this website on the backburner and publish maybe 10 to 20 articles a month…

While I focus more seriously on myself and also on other projects that are important to me also.

But I won’t be leaving any of my 4 dedicated readers.

Like I said, I’ll still be here with monthly articles to kick out.

Just more investigative ones than before.

So that’s all I got to say on the matter.

Thanks to anyone who has been loyal enough reading any of my content by this point.

All 4 of you kick ass!

And will talk soon.

Drop a comment below in the comment section if you want.

And follow my Twitter here.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards,



Dazza - April 3, 2021 Reply

Keep writing! You have a talent for it.

What you could do and would be interesting is do a write up about each barrio of DF – take a few photos and give your opinions.

Or opinions on the best menu carta around the city – take some pictures of your meals – what you can get for so many pesos.

Pictures and write ups of the various subway/metro stations – the nice ones and the shitty ones.

Loads of stuff you can do and 0f course, any wild and wacky experiences come your way – write about them too!

When it all opens up again, go to a bullfight, a soccer/futbol match/ a boxing match.

Tons of stuff you can do and it would be off the hook, do trips to Guatemala City or take a trip to Colombia again post-COVID – seeing as I am one of the ‘Fantastic Four’ regarding your readership – I am sticking around and am expecting great things via you and your Brit laptop!

    Matt - April 3, 2021 Reply

    lol thanks

    Funny you bring up the barrio DF thing, I’ve actually been thinking of doing just that. Originally I was going to do a little series documenting the areas of DF by metro station because I’ve always mentally processed location in this city by metro since metro is how you get around.

    Then I counted the amount of metros there are and realized that would be way too many articles.

    Before I leave DF, if I put in the time for it, I might do that though by documenting each neighborhood. I’ve thought seriously about it.

    Though I’m not sure how much time I have left in this city. I’m contemplating hard about leaving by December 2021 for different reasons. One of them being I have to get back into the US anyway to get a new debit card and I’ve always had the worst luck getting stuff mailed to me down here.

    Either way, if I leave DF by then, that just means I will be starting my travels soon through the rest of Latin America earlier than normal — Colombia, the DR, Brazil, Peru, Panama and Venezuela are on my list especially.

    Definitely I need to get out more though and live life again. When I do soon, probably more stories to tell again.

Dazza - April 3, 2021 Reply

Well, a great series between now and December might be the most underrated barrios people might not have heard of and why. That would be good! I think DF has the biggest (or one of the biggest…) metro networks in the world so the more interesting stations and whatnot would be good!

Well, the site is called ‘Iberian America’ so you can go wherever you want within that sphere and it will count. I think Lima would be a great next stop, take the mantle from Colin and Vance – Vance loved Lima and he recommends that place heartily. I think a year or two in Peru would be great – I think Lima is a great city, it is a city of two halves but the half where you will be living is a great place and it is on the Pacific Ocean and has the some of the best food on the planet – pretty sure you can get six month tourist visas if you ask for them too.

Or be a proper Don and make it to Paraguay – follow the footsteps of those auld Nazi war criminals escaping justice – live from Asuncion! Imagine living there and blogging about it?

I have dreams about Venezuela coming back to prosperity in my lifetime because that would be the place to be – Caracas in the 1970’s must have been the place to be!

    Matt - April 3, 2021 Reply

    For sure. Thanks for the comment on the barrio/metro thing.

    I do really need to get on it. My main obstacle to it was getting off my ass and putting down the bottle to walk around and take photos.

    That and I don’t want to take my phone into some of the hoods around here. But I’ll probably just buy a cheap burner phone for 30 bucks. If someone robs me strolling into the worst street of DF, well I won’t be losing much lol.

    But it’s ironic anyway you bring it up because that article idea is one of the few on my list of articles to write outside of all the city guides. I’ll definitely get on it. Well, I only got maybe 9 months left so I better get moving lol.

    True, site is called Iberian America. I guess that leaves articles on China out of the question lol.

    Peru would be kinda cool. Once I hit the road again, I plan on setting up base in certain regions of Latin America. Like I wrote in the “you can’t generalize Latin America,” article I wrote, I always see the region as divided into different parts. For that reason, Peru has an interest to me. Though arguably less so than the other countries on my list.

    Once I stop by there, I’m thinking 6 months to a year at most for Peru unless I happen to really like it.

    If you want more on Venezuela, check out the Maracaibo article I wrote in this batch.

    I’d love to see more of Venezuela also. Though, for me, it’s more about the area around the Rio Orinoco/Roraima area. To see the countryside. If I had a million bucks, I’d really take that part of Venezuela for a ride and have my fun. That’s the part of Latin America I’m dying to see.

    Lol Paraguay true. I’ve been there once as I wrote before that you can see in my Paraguay section on my homepage. I found it OK. For Paraguay, I wouldn’t mind going back assuming I’d have the chance to visit Ciudad del Este and El Chaco.

    But I’m sure I’ll be able to cross all of that off my bucket list with time. Give me a decade to cross everything off lol but I’ll be working on it soon for sure. Thanks again for the comment.

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