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Sexy Cuban Ladies in Your Area Ready to Fuck NOW!

Published October 28, 2020 in Cuba , Dating Information , LATAM Hustles - 0 Comments

So on October 28th, 2020 late at night...

I was watching the movie Bad Santa on Youtube while making some black tea….

At 5 AM in the morning.

Still needing to go to bed but my tea is more important than my sleep.

Anyway, as of recently…

I joined a Latina dating website called Mexican Cupid.

Just to see what hot ass I can pull from it. 

Achieve the dream -- have some Guadalajara chick with a thick ass and big titties with pepperoni nipples travel to see me in CDMX and let me breed her and send her back home to little hubby who is waiting for her with his "corazoncito."

We can all dream, can't we?

Well, I intend to write a review of it in the next few months after having some more experience on that website.

Anyway, while I am watching Bad Santa….

A nice Cuban woman wrote to me on there….

She even liked my profile!

And wrote to me what you can see below here….

Anyway, I’ve had about 5 glasses of vodka+black tea in the last 2 hours or so.

With each glass containing about 75 mL of vodka.

So I’m a little bit tipsy.

I've been good on reducing my alcohol intake this month but this night I'm letting loose.

I mean I'm watching Bad Santa -- it's the right movie to get fucked up to.

And seeing a scam when I see one…

I felt like fucking with one of these scammers who messages folks on these Latina dating websites.

Because, you see, I know a thing or two about them online.

From what I have heard online about how there are a lot of scammers online looking to make money from lonely foreign men on websites like these.

And, also, to be honest, it’s pretty obvious they are scams when you see them.

You’d have to be a dumbass to send money to a chick you just met online about 10 minutes ago.

But apparently some of these folks must make some money from it!

Since they are doing it – and there’s plenty of them…

As in my first three days on Mexican Cupid, if I had to guess, I must have had maybe 12 or more scammers reach out to me.

All claiming to be from Cuba, Venezuela or some random country in Africa.

As of this writing, maybe 30 or so?

They always message you.

So now I got another one…

As you saw above.

A nice woman named Mayelin.

Who claims to be, according to her profile, from Moa, Holguin, Cuba.

Here is a picture of her profile below here.

It's unfortunate that she describes herself as a ''good girl."

I prefer the bad ones -- the nasty ass skanky ass hoes.

Who have a little noviocito or esposito en la casa esperando.....

While you have her butt ass naked on her knees licking the piss stains off your toilet while you creampie her from behind. 

All the while she moans "soy tu puta, soy tu puta, papi....!!!!!"

Ok, ok, enough of the pornographic fan fiction.....

A man can dream, can't he?

Anyway, I paused my movie for a second to speak with her.

And to mostly fuck with her at first but then figured I could maybe get some insight into her also if I’m lucky.

So that’s how the conversation begins and ends.

With me – being a bit under the influence of alcohol – fucking with her.

To then asking more serious questions.

Below here, you can see how our conversation started with me fucking with her.

But I will leave it at that for those who speak Spanish.

And get to the part of the conversation where I tell her that I know what she is doing and would like to ask her some questions in exchange for money. 

And excuse me for my shitty Spanish, sloppy texting and bad jokes -- I was a bit drunk lol.

Even my English was shit -- "dumb chick j9ke?"

Well, let's put down the vodka, Mateo......

And now we will get into our interview with Mayelin – la Cubana Sexi.

Interview with a Cuban Scammer

So one thing that needs to be said right away.

Is I didn’t think fast enough to take screenshots of our conversation from the second she ever sent me a message.

Didn’t think that through until she deleted the first few messages as she got suspicious about my intentions.

But I did catch on and take screenshots of the later messages in the conversation.

And to ask her to confirm some previous things she said.

Anyway, here’s the interview below in screenshots.

So now let me translate it!

From my drunk Spanish and also typing out what I remember what she said in some of the deleted messages.

So first things first…

After I finished fucking with her…

I basically told her the following in that big message…

“I know you are fucking with me.

That you are only looking to steal money from others through the internet.

The thing is that, from my perspective, it is very obvious.

I ask myself – who is stupid enough to give you money when you only knew me for like 15 minutes or something at most.

But I don’t have a personal problem with you.

I get you want money.

You asked for 20 bucks.

So I will offer you something.

I want to know the truth if your scam works.

Or if you really earn money doing what you do.

And after I will ask you some things.

And I will send you 50 bucks.

Will you accept it?


Then she responded….

“Ok mi amor.”

And I responded – “You don’t need to call me your love but first…are you a man or woman?”

And she said she is a man and I asked him how old he was and he is 25.

I asked if he is really from Cuba and he said yes.

Then I asked him why he is trying to get money this way by scamming dudes online. Does it work?

How much money does he earn each month in Cuban currency?

And he responded that he hasn’t earned anything yet.

Then I asked him why he does it then if it doesn’t work.

And he said she doesn’t know.

Then I asked him how many men has he spoken with.

To which he replied that I am the only one – which might make sense since he responded to my messages pretty quickly from when I was fucking with him to when I was asking him shit.

I guess if he had other men then he would not have responded so quickly.


Anyway, I asked him how many men has he talked with before me and when did he start doing this.

He said 3 guys and about 10 days ago.

And then I asked him how did he learn to do all of this – like how did he learn to specifically target Mexican Cupid to scam foreign guys for money?

Because in my mind, I imagine most Cuban people are not thinking of making possibly fake accounts on dating websites to ask foreign dudes for money.

At that point, he got the “you ain’t a cop?” feel with me.

Starting to get worried and he said “so many questions mi amor”

And he wanted me to send him money then.

Anyway, I told him “50 dollars!”

Like “I am going to send you LOTS OF MONEY! Don’t worry! Your payday is coming soon mi amor!”

And then I responded “don’t worry, I’m not the police. I’m only curious.”

And that “I will help you only if you answer my questions.”

Then back to the question…

“How did you learn to do this?”

And he responded “by myself. With nobody.”

To which I asked “What will you do with the money? Go to school or what?”

And he said “to live. Feed myself.”

I then asked “do you have kids?”

He said no.

“Do you live with your parents or alone?”

“Alone.” He said.

“And the photo you sent me? Is that of you or who?”

And he said “someone else."

Then I asked him to confirm his previous responses that he deleted – that he has only spoken with 3 dudes in 10 days.

At that point, he wants me to send him money already.

I ask him how can I do that.

He wants me to visit this website called Ding.

And not being a dumbass – even while a tiny bit drunk – I don’t click on the link.

Because who knows what it might do if I click on it.

But he gives me a number and tells me to send money to the company Cubacel in Cuba.

And he wants me to open up the link and tell him what it asks.

Anyway, I tell him that I am confused and that it isn’t asking me anything.

He tells me to open it again.

Which makes me think maybe he knows if I opened it or not – like if he runs the site or not but who knows.

But then I say I need help and I ask what do I need to do.

And I need help, amor.

Anyway, at this point, he probably feels like a dumbass.

And tells me “estas jugando conmigo”

Or you are fucking with me.

Anyway, I tell him “you’re an idiot.”

And he blocks me right there.

The Adventure Continues 

I initially posted this article on October 28th, 2020.

Just to get it up and then I took it into "pending" so I can review it later before publishing it.

But some hours later, I got an idea....

What if I looked into other scammers on this website and asked them to give me the details on what they are doing?

Initially, it was just going to be any scammer that came my way.

But so many of the scammers I was getting seemed to be from specifically Moa, Holguin, Cuba...

So I changed course and figured to make this article just on the ones from there.

Though you do have scammers from Colombia, Venezuela, the DR and a few random countries in Africa from what I have seen.

Those seem to be the main locations of a lot of these folks.

Cuba included, obviosuly.

So that's where this story continues -- and surprisingly, it seemed some of these Cuban scammers from Moa know each other!

So that's where this article will end -- giving focus to the little squad of scammers running around that part of Cuba.

Let's get back into now!

Sexy Cuban Women Want to Meet ME?!?

So while messing around with different scammers on that Mexican Cupid site...

Some told me to piss off after I said I wanted to ask questions.

Some would just fuck with me kinda by making shit up that was so obviously fake and easy to confirm as being bullshit.

Then I came across this person below here as you can see how our conversation started and got going....

Anyway, from here, he is obviously asking me for money to be again sent to that same website that the other scammer wanted to send me to --

A site that all of the Cuban scammers were using but the Colombian, Venezuelan and Dominican ones preferred Western Union. 

Now this is where I decide to stop fucking with the guy because I mostly had been writing a bunch of dumb shit that no woman would take seriously from a man.

And got to the point -- asking him if he will answer my questions and I will give him money afterwards.

Which, similar to the last scammer or any of them, I never did provide money to be honest.

Anyway, here's that part of the conversation.

Now keep in mind that it wasn't too uncommon for these scammers to continue the act of being a woman who is flirtatious with me.

Some of them, such as this guy as you can see below, would continue to call me "amor" and blow smoke up my ass.

Most of the time they would get serious when I would tell them to cut the BS if they want money.

As you can see from the last image where he continued to call me "amor" and as you can see below here...

So the basics of that conversation if you don't speak Spanish is....

Like I said, the guy tried passing off as a woman still and then asking for money after bullshitting me some more.

I told him I ain't paying then and that was when he cut the BS.

And started telling the truth -- to which over time I tried to confirm different aspects of what he was saying to have better confidence in that he was telling the truth.

So he started out writing down his answers by text -- which I can show here. 

So as you can see....

The guy claims to be a young dude who is 15 years old from Cuba....

Which I didn't believe that when he said it -- I thought it must have been an older man posing as someone different.

I did believe he was from Cuba though -- or at least Latin America.

Given his Spanish was better than what Google Translate can do and also the voice messages he sent me later showed me that he did have a very strong Caribbean Spanish accent.

To a foreigner's ear, it sounded like the stuff I heard when I was in the Dominican Republic. 

And that he and his friend (who turned out to be the first guy I was talking to described way above) took pics of random chicks and started this scam...

Now how did he and his friend ever learn about scamming people on the Cupid sites?

He did say at one point that his friend taught him but I never really had much confidence in any idea on how they both learned about this.

And I say that because there are so many folks on those Cupid sites looking to scam people and they all do the exact same thing.

Give their number to random people.

Start a conversation being flirtatious and asking for money in like 5 minutes or less because they need to recharge their phone.

From the Colombians to the Venezuelans to the Cubans.

They all were doing the exact same thing.

So it does make me wonder -- since they all do the same thing despite nationality -- if their is some resource they are learning from to do this.

Since you would think random people who have no relation with each other would do different things. 

Either way...

The guy goes on about how he is new to doing this scam and has only earned like 30 cuc so far -- which is 30 dollars.

With only a week of experience doing this but he has 10 to 15 men that he writes to.

 Which might also be bullshit -- I suspected he had been doing this for a little bit longer but I could be wrong.

Anyway, I asked him if his website is dangerous in anyway -- if people can get viruses or whatever going to it since I had never seen it before.

He says no and then asks if he can send me voice messages instead of writing.

So from there, I will just describe what he told me since most of what he says afterwards you can't see anyway.

Anyway, the conversation goes on....

He tells me that he doesn't work with anyone else except his one friend...

Which I find out a few days later to be BS in that it seems they both at least know one other person who I found on Cupid. 

Maybe more than just the three of them? Who knows...

I also asked if he was the same dude I had talked to the day before -- the one I wrote about in the start of this article.

Maybe it's just one dude with a bunch of burner phones pretending to be different women at once?

Well, he says no and I later concluded that they were both different people.

As you will find why later...

Anyway, at this point, I tell the guy I will be back in a second because I didn't want to waste his cell phone minutes while I think of new questions.

I asked around some people I know who live down here if they had any questions for him.

Then we got back to it...

Next, he tells me that some people can find out his real name when they send him money. 

And that he normally asks for 20 bucks with each person like he did with me but he is cool if they send whatever. It doesn't have to be 20.

Then I ask him if he tries continuing a relationship with someone after they sent money to get more money out of them...

And he says no.

Which, to me, seems stupid and unlikely.

Either he isn't very smart in realizing that someone who already sent money would be more likely to send more than some other stranger...

Or he is bullshitting me on that one.

But he says no to that one.

Then he goes on about how his friend is only 17 years old and is actually a friend and not a brother or cousin or anything. 

Does he feel bad about people sending money?

In his words more or less -- "nah, fuck them, their loss, not mine."


He then goes on about how he usually just asks for money from strangers only after a few minutes of talking with them.

Like he and his friend did with me.

And that his friend has little experience in the website but he wouldn't answer how his friend knew to use Cupid specifically to ask foreigners for money.

Again, that question of how random Latino dudes and chicks around this region are learning about this is beyond me still.

I mean, how would a random person in a more rural part of Cuba -- where interest access is more limited anyway -- know to go to Mexican Cupid to ask for money?

And why are there so many accounts from Cuba that are doing that?

By far, Cuban scammers were more common on that website than any other type of Latino.

Right above the Colombian and Venezuelan ones.

Regardless, those are again some questions I still have.

Maybe they just happened to find it by luck or by word of mouth or however...

Next, he says his family doesn't know what he is doing and he won't answer more or less how much his friend makes doing this.

Then I ask him how does he normally try to win men over and he says he usually just tries to be overly flirtatious and sexual for a few minutes and then ask for money.

Which, again, is believable based on my experience.

When asked if anyone taught his friend and him about cupid, he refused to answer and went on about how he wants me to send him money.

Also, he went on about how he needs these men to have Whatsapp in their phones to talk because he can't be asking for money on Cupid or else he risks getting banned too quickly.

In the event he or his friend do have an account banned, they can simply recreate another free account posing as a woman and go on.

Which I find funny to be honest -- because a year or more ago I joined Colombian Cupid out of curiosity and reported a very obviously fake scammer account.

Colombian Cupid, by the way, is owned by the same company that runs Mexican Cupid.

And they banned me!

Not the scammer -- me!

So I started to ask the dude about it -- does he have issues making new accounts if he ever gets banned?

He says no -- absolutely no issues. Very easy to make a new account.

Which I had issues when I got banned!

They banned my specific device from making another account on Colombian Cupid -- where I could only use my phone now and not my laptop. 

Now I'm not banned anymore but given this guy and his friend can access the site again so easily....

And given Cupid banned me one time for reporting a very obviously fake account -- it makes me wonder some things...

The relationship Cupid has with some of the scam or bot accounts -- are some of them put on the site by Cupid to attract horny men?

Because they are significantly younger and much sexier than the average chick you find on their sites....

With photos that look way too professional. 

And how much does Cupid care about the actual scammers?

Who knows...

Anyway, back to the conversation we had...

The guy goes on about how he doesn't really work too hard on trying to manipulate the men romantically or nothing.

Just be sexual and flirtatious for a few minutes and ask for money.

Which, thinking about it, makes me realize that these guys are amateurs at this.

If they were smart (and with less morals), they'd work on these guys longer term and try to get them emotionally hooked.

I'd imagine you could get a lot more money that way with some dudes probably willing to throw down a few hundred bucks here and there for a chick they have fallen in love with....

Regardless, I get personal with the guy for a second...

And ask him what is his goal in life -- does he want to continue scamming foreign lonely dudes or get a better career?

He tells me that he wants to be an engineer someday. 

Then he confirms again that he only works with his friend and nobody else.

But he does know about lots of other folks who are doing this same thing in Cuba.

So maybe it is a word of mouth thing.

Next, back to his family...

He says that his family doesn't suspect anything when he brings home extra money. He just hides it from them and uses a little bit of it here and there to help them buy food during the Covid Pandemic.

That's his main reason for why he is doing this by the way -- because of the Covid Pandemic, his family is poor and they need money for food.

So that's his excuse anyway.

He also apparently lives in a small town -- I asked about that since 20 dollars from a foreigner would go farther in a small town versus a bigger city obviously.

Finally, I am wondering also how much money he spends on extra minutes to use the internet to scam foreigners.

He says he spends 30 cuc or 30 dollars for every 1 to 2 weeks.

Which, obviously, he'd spend money on minutes anyway.

But if he only earned 30 dollars in the last week, it does make me wonder about the finances of this.

Would it even be worth his time if he wasn't actually earning at least enough money to cover the extra minutes he has to buy and the food he wants to purchase also?

So perhaps -- if those numbers are true that he only earned 30 dollars in the last week and spends roughly 30 dollars a week....

It may be that he isn't actually finding this to be very helpful in the grand scheme of things or maybe he was misleading me on how much he earns.

Which I suspect might be the case.

But it's also not entirely unbelievable that his scam isn't very effective.

Given that he obviously isn't very good or knowledgeable on how to work people to get them emotionally tied to you and in love...

To where they'd be more likely to send money and even more of it...

Since, you know, he asked me for money in like the first 5 minutes of talking with me.

And also how the website he uses -- -- probably isn't a website too many foreigners are familiar with.

At least not Americans -- I never heard of it before this and didn't trust it enough to click on it until much later.

And then assuming said American goes on there -- how likely is he going to navigate a new site and trust it to give his personal info to send money to a stranger he only met 5 minutes ago?

So, if I had to guess, I'd bet this guy has more time doing this than he let on but I can see how his scam isn't very effective and unlikely to bring home too much money.

Regardless, he then gives me the info needed to send him money.

And it has a different phone number then the first person I talked to that you saw at the start of this article.

And based on the number and the fact that the financial transaction would be sent to someone in a place called Holguin, Cuba.

Which is a municipality and city in Cuba...

That is where I am assuming he and the other similar Cuban scammers that I talked to are from.

Since they also all wanted me to send money to someone in that part of Cuba. 

Anyway, it could be possible that these scammers live on the outside of Holguin in a small town. 

Or maybe they do live in the smaller city of Moa in that same municipality. 

Or maybe they live in the city itself of Holguin-- which is apparently the 4th largest city of Cuba with 346,191 people. 

Anyway, the guy starts harassing me for money at this point for the next day or two and I ignore him....

Until October 31st, 2020.

A Group of Scammers

This is where I start to confirm some facts about everything I had been told by this point.

I was talking with another Cuban woman who is also from Holguin, Cuba based on the contact info she gave me to send money.

Anyway, I tried confirming some of her information and found much of what she said to be BS.

She claimed to know some of the dudes I was talking to but I easily confirmed that was not true.

But that got me talking again with the last dude I was just talking about...

Time to confirm some facts with him on some stuff -- not related to the chick I just mentioned.

But I was curious to see how old this dude was because I had my suspicions that he was probably in his mid 30s to maybe 40s at most.

And I wanted to see the face of the person who tried scamming me for money. 

Well, he is a little bit annoyed at me because I didn't send the money in the previous few days.

But I told him I needed to confirm some stuff before I send any money.

One of the things I wanted to confirm is if he actually has these other friends he works with or if that is BS.

So he sends me a contact info of a guy named "Jerson."

You can see this part of the conversation below since he wrote it out in text this time. 

Now, the first friend of his -- "Jerson" happened to be the first person I talked to at the start of this article.

Because I still had his phone number registered in my phone.

The second person -- "Mami Cel" -- I imagined is his girlfriend or something.

Now is his girlfriend in on this too?

I imagined probably not -- but he did identify her as his "amigo."

Wouldn't it be amiga?

By this point, I suspected the guy just threw me a random number of someone he could trust to say what he said to me so he can get his money.

Again, probably his girlfriend, no?


However, I learned eventually that "Mami Cel" is not a chick.

Because now we will get to my conversation with "Mami Cel."

So basically it was just to confirm a few basic facts about his story...

But also to see if this person that I am talking to is the same dude among all three numbers that I had been given.

Again -- maybe the same dude with a bunch of burner phones?

Because it did seem weird to me that you have all of these different scammers in Moa, Holguin, Cuba.

Like why that place specifically?

It's apparently a small city of about 74,075 people.

So I had "Mami Cel" do a video call with me on the spot through Whatsapp.

Just to get a look at the dude. 

And to see if it is actually a dude or not.

To see who is part of this group trying to scam people like me.

And to see soon enough if it is the same dude from the previous contact.

Now I ended up seeing someone who maybe was around 25 more or less in the video call -- a medium brown skin dude with a yellow shirt on that looked like some sports soccer shirt.

Who was walking outside late at night while looking at the phone.

Then I called the other dude -- the one who gave me the contact info of "Mami Cel."

And he answered -- and it looked like a completely different guy.

Light brown skin with a different shirt and a different haircut sitting inside some building.

So obviously they are not the same.

Were they as young as 15 and 17? I don't think so.

If I had to guess, I'd say they were more in their young to mid 20s.

They were definitely not mid 30s to 40s or so as I was expecting.

And not the same dude.

At any rate, because I never gave any money, I lost any contact with them.

But I also feel there wasn't much left to learn about this type of scam from this specific group.

The Point

So why the article?

What's the point of this?

Well, I have some experience with the Cupid dating websites in Latin America.

First with Dominican Cupid.

Checked out Colombian Cupid briefly.

And now I recently have gotten onto Mexican Cupid.

Any time I have gone on those websites, I can always find easy enough plenty of chicks down here to give me some ass.

But it comes with going through a lot of scammers also who are blatantly obvious in trying to scam you.

And based on my experience reporting a scammer or bot in Colombian Cupid -- it seems quite possible that the website itself doesn't give too many fucks about them.

Maybe some since apparently some of these scammers get banned but they can come back easily enough.

Easier than me actually because I wasn't able to get back on Colombian Cupid from my laptop after reporting someone who was obviously fake.


This article really is meant to illustrate or get some deeper insight into what is going on at the other end of the computer.

In front of the screen of that scammer who manages to get a foreigner or two to send money.

In my experience writing this article and talking with at least a dozen folks who tried to scam me...

I'd say -- for Mexican Cupid specifically -- most are men (though some are women)...

Most seem young in their 20s to 30s at most.

Some can be older for sure -- this one Colombian chick who was writing me claimed to be 26 but she was obviously in her 50s based on her photos.

And got pissed at me when I asked her about her age again -- 'tengo cara de vieja?!?!"

Well, kinda.....

But for Mexican Cupid anyway -- most of the scammers seem to be from Cuba but you got enough from Colombia, Venezuela, the DR and a few countries in Africa. 

Either way, it is something to think about…

First off, how many men really fall for this shit?

I’d hope not many but there’s so many doing this apparently that I guess there is a market for it.

But the scam is so obvious – ask me for money in the first 5 minutes of meeting me....

And the request is that for her to continue talking with you, she needs money.

So that she doesn’t run out of minutes or that the internet café doesn’t kick her off.

Like she is really sitting at an internet café at 5 AM in the morning…

Or that she is really going to run outside at 5 AM to find a dude who can provide her minutes this early in the morning.

But I guess some dudes fall for this shit.

Since I have been approached by a handful of these scammers so far.

And to be honest -- for the few legit female scammers on that website -- I tried to be helpful!

I told them "you know, if this doesn't make you much money, why not just be a cam model on Chaturbate and finger yourself? You'd make a lot more...."

And chicks like that 50 year old Colombian chick actually got interested -- "en serioooo? Que es Chaturbate?"

Oh chica -- if you get serious about it, let me know your username.....

She was old but she had big tits!

But what's the lesson here?

I mean, shit, the lesson should be obvious.

Don’t be a dumbass.

If I need to give you a lesson for how to handle these chicks, you are probably a dumbass.

The scam is that obvious in your face here.

Don’t send money to random people you don’t know on the internet.

But again – I do ask myself – just how profitable is this endeavor?

Given minimum wage is so low in so many Latin countries down here – at like 6 bucks a day or so…

You know, I can see how it would be profitable to scam old dudes online on dating websites if you literally don't have anything else going for you.

So I can see how it can draw in and keep so many scammers doing this thing…

But I can’t imagine they are earning big bucks in American terms.

But I could be wrong – the world is full of dumbasses.

Anyway, I am tired of fucking around with scammers on Mexican Cupid.

The only remaining question I have for myself is how come all these different people in specific Latin American countries know about this scam and why do they all do the same thing?

If I had to guess, maybe just word of mouth and none of them are very sophisticated in scamming people. 

Hope you enjoyed this article.

And follow my Twitter here.


Leave comments below in the comment section.

Best regards,


Interested in dating Latina women? Check out more articles HERE

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