All you need to know about Iberian America

Dating Scam by La Brasileña Sexi in Buenos Aires

Years ago when I was living in Buenos Aires, Argentina…

I was working on some research project about sustainable agricultural production of yerba mate in Argentina.

Which is a type of drink common in this part of South America.

Either way, I was a young bachelor at the time…

And though I was there for more research purposes…

A young bachelor has to meet some nice young women to go on dates with..


So as I was not so busy one night in particular…

I ended up matching with on Tinder this white, blonde Brazilian chick on there.

She looked quite good looking for the most part.

Either way, we get talking…

And she got sexual quite quickly in the conversation over Whatsapp about how she wants to be fucked…

And how she is oh so lonely…



I thought.

Here’s a nice, young, respectable lady who just needs a thick dick inside her…

The Gringo to the Rescue!

Of course, something so easy is not necessarily the best…

Sometimes it might be deceit or sometimes it might be a young lady looking to fuck you over…

Either way, we get talking….

Meet Up Hours Away

We get talking and she explains how she lives in this particular neighborhood in Buenos Aires.

And, according to Google, this neighborhood was a few hours away from where I was.

Now, if I remember right, I was living in some neighborhood called Palermo or pretty close to it.

Some neighborhood that is quite nice for the city.

Either way, she was a few hours away and wanted our first date to be at some random restaurant on her side of the city.

And she was insistent that it had to be at this specific place in Buenos Aires.

Which, in the moment, was making me think she was a gold digger looking for a free meal at probably some expensive restaurant or whatever it might have been..

Though, in some research, it apparently wasn’t the nicest restaurant to begin with from what I saw online.

Either way, it wasn’t going to happen.

I’m simply too lazy to go travel a few hours to go see your ass.

Unless her pussy is the tightest pussy of all of pussy-kind…

There isn’t really much motivation on my part to go travel a few hours to see her…

Especially when I wouldn’t have logistics on my side to bring her back to my place to fuck since my place is far away.

Plus, I’m not about spending money on random ass chicks I don’t really care about.

Either way, I got more curious about her for whatever reason…

And asked her for her Facebook.

Investigating Alejandra – La Chica de Brasil Muy Sexi!!

So I started to have my suspicions about Alejandra…

Now I don’t remember if her name was actually Alejandra…

But that’s my go to name for “chicas who look quite nice but are looking to fuck you over.”

Be it drug you or have other bad intentions..

But oh my are they sexy…

Either way, let’s call her Alejandra.

I asked her for her Facebook account to look into if she is a real person or not…

And she ends up sending me a link to her Facebook.

I click on it and I see her account..

And it all looks legit to me.

The story she gave me about herself was exactly how it was on her Facebook that she gave me.

That she is young at around 22 or 23 or so..

That she is from Brazil…

That she has an ex-husband who died from cancer….

All there!

But for some reason…

I felt the need to copy and paste her Facebook name into the search engine of Facebook…

And I saw something strange…

That there were two accounts under the same name with a picture of the same chick.

So I looked into this second mysterious account of the same person…

And the story was different…

This other Facebook account was quite active and updated daily…

So still in use.

The chick was actually from Argentina…

Though, if my memory serves right, she wasn’t from Buenos Aires..

I think, if I remember right, she was from some northern Argentine providence like Corrientes…

But she did have a husband as of currently….

And her husband, as I checked out his profile…

Was very still much alive with constant photos of himself in the gym…

Up to the day that I checked his profile.

So her story didn’t make much sense anymore…

Why would she lie about all of these things?

Keep in mind also that I asked some friends in the city about the area she wanted to meet at…

And apparently it was some dangerous area that was all fucked up with crime and shit.

Though, to be fair, a dangerous area with crime hasn’t stopped me from chasing pussy too much down here in Latin America…

But in this case with her story being probably fake…

And also my lack of motivation to go travel two or more hours to a place where I probably wouldn’t get no pussy anyway due to bad logistics…

There was no way I was going to travel to see her.

And also had good reason to believe she was fake or some shit.

Confronting Alejandra

Maybe Alejandra wanted to trick me into some place where they could drug me…

Or maybe have her boyfriend or husband fuck me up.

Or maybe just get me to buy her a meal.

Who knows.

Either way, I bring up the fact that there is this other profile of her…

And she gives me the “oh baby, someone made a fake profile of me. Don’t worry about it.”

Which, obviously, was bullshit.

I didn’t give a fuck no more and just called her out on it all – being fake and all.

And her attitude went sour pretty fast.

Either way, I called her a gold digger and scammer…

And she ended up blocking me on Whatsapp and that was that.

One of the few times where I encountered a dating scam down here…


A year or two ago…

I was in a Starbucks reading the newspaper in Mexico City…

About some story of hot chicks tricking local Mexican men into bars to have them drugged or scammed into throwing down lots of money at whatever bar they go to..

With the bar being in on it…

Truth is, there are scams everywhere down here.

But I have rarely come across them.

Sometimes I do!

But maybe I have been lucky or cautious most of the time…

To not be fucked over.

Either way, you got to keep your head up and not let your dick run you around everywhere in search of pussy blindly…

Otherwise, maybe you will end up showing up to some shitty neighborhood that Alejandra wants you to show up to..

To be scammed, mugged or whatever.

I suppose the theme of this story is this…

Have your fun.

Chase some pussy.

But don’t be an idiot and use common sense.

Anyway, if you got a comment, leave it in the comment section. Would appreciate it.

Or follow me on Twitter here.


Best regards,


Interested in dating Latina women? Check out more articles HERE

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