Marking 3 years since I started the website
Does English exist in the barrios of Mexico City & Latin America?
Which Latin American countries hate & like the US the most?
Giving some examples of some of the dumb and comedic electoral propaganda you see in Latin America.
Is Miami the capital of Latin America?
How the media in Latin America will paint a politician as an “outsider” when, in reality, they don’t look like one if you look at their record.
Did you know that Trump is the President of many countries in Latin America?
Giving a brief example (among others) about how sometimes the media in Latin America will pull up a story of “the bad gringo” that they know will likely provoke a certain reaction and more clicks.
The “CNN en Español” crowd among Latin Americans that so many gringos hate and are perplexed by initially.
A quick and obvious tip for those thinking adopting pets in Latin America and especially if they wish to adopt those most in need.