What to do if given fake currency in Mexico?
When the Mexican Cowboy has arrived to Iztapalapa and he stole your parking space.
While the Historic Center of Mexico City can be an interesting place to visit and even live in, it does at times have serious flaws that leave you disappointed as it could be so much better. Above all, it is one touristy area out of many that shares similar problems in certain areas of Latin America.
Describing my experience attending the Feria Nacional del Mole in Milpa Alta of Mexico City with photos.
Exploring briefly the topic of how dogs are killed and their meat is used in tacos illegally in Mexico.
Is it true that black and white cats are sacrificed around October in Latin America?
What are the best things to do in Xochimilco of Mexico City for expats?
What are the best things to do in Milpa Alta of Mexico City for expats?
For some nationalities, there can be discrimination against you for opening a bank account in Mexico.
Is it wrong for the gringo (or a local) to want a nice experience on a Latin American beach without being offered a product or, in worst case scenarios, harassed?