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San Miguel Ajusco of Tlalpan in Mexico City

Published March 12, 2024 in Mexico , Rural LATAM - 0 Comments

In Mexico City, you have small "original" towns in the far south of the capital. Called "pueblos originarios"

For 4 months, I lived in a town called San Miguel Ajusco.

I moved there because I wanted to spend more time in some of these "original towns" in the far south to better understand other areas of the city.

I also just like living in small towns. They have their pros and cons but sometimes I miss living in one.

So what were my main impressions of San Miguel Ajusco?

This is a long article so I broke it up into different topics (in no particular order). 

Feel free to read it all or skip around using the table of contents below.

Let´s get to it. 

History of San Miguel Ajusco

First let's give a quick history lesson on the town according to the Mexico City government

"San Miguel Ajusco is one of the original towns of Tlalpan. It’s best known as a first stop on your way into Cumbres del Ajusco National Park.

The neighboring pueblo, Santo Tomás Ajusco, is contiguous with San Miguel but receives the bulk of visitors interested in the small town, the center, shops, and nightlife.

Nevertheless, San Miguel has lively traditions too. The name derives from the Nahuatl adjco, meaning “forest of waters.” It might be better translated as “Place of flowers where the water emerges.”

According to tradition, the original town of Axochco was founded in 1531.

According to the same tradition, the Archangel San Miguel appeared to post-conquest settlers in the area no fewer than three times.

He’s been the patron saint of both the town and the church ever since. The town church, pictured, dates from 1707.

Parishioners built a new nave during the 20th century along with a chapel dedicated to the Sacred Heart.

The presbytery holds an 18th century wood carving of San Miguel.

Source here

Now let´s get to my thoughts on living there.

Which Ajusco?!?

Sometimes you can get confused when you travel a lot in Latin America and begin talking with someone about a certain place by the same name that another place has.

In Mexico City, that is true with the word "Ajusco."

Before moving to San Miguel Ajusco, the word "Ajusco" always meant that one neighborhood that is adjacent to Pedregal de Santo Domingo in Coyoacán.

While living in San Miguel Ajusco, I found that when asking a bus or combi driver outside Metro CU if "this bus goes to Ajusco," that they think you are going to another area called Ajusco in Tlalpan.

And NOT San Miguel Ajusco.

Now if you go to the center of Tlalpan by say on Calz. de Tlalpan, then "Ajusco" finally means "San Miguel Ajusco" to the bus and combi drivers.

So it can be confusing when asking people how to get here and they think you are referring to another area.

Animals Everywhere

Lots of farm animals in this little town.

Sheep, horses, etc. People riding horses.

My landlord had her brother living next to the building I lived in and he had tons of sheep I saw.

They often stared at me like "oye quien eres, gringo?!?"

Here´s a video I took of them.

Bars & Restaurants

There's not really any bars in San Miguel Ajusco that are worth checking out.

I remember showing a friend of mine Gino some photos of the "bars" you find recommended on Google Maps and it was funny how so poor and rustic their bars are.

They're OK for a quick beer but nothing else.

You will find a few on the Mariano Escobedo street that cuts through Ajusco.

Here's a video I took of one:

As for restaurants?

You got a handful of food spots I really liked.

First: If you go to where the main Kisok is of the town, you'll find a small street to the side that has two spots that sell Mixiote tacos.

Both are decent but I preferred the one a little farther down the street. The tacos are slightly cheaper and taste more fresh. Photo included below of what that street looks like.

Second: A place called Carnitas Conde.

As the name suggest, good for carnitas.

Third: Barbacoa de Horno Los Gemelos.

The best spot for barbacoa in town. Customer service is decent too.

Fourth: El Güero on Mariano Escobedo street.

Anything they cook is decent.

Try the gorditas.

Here's a video of them cooking:

Fifth: Tacos "El Gallo" on Mariano Escobedo street.

Their birria is Ok.

Not amazing but not bad.

Couldn't find much else for birria in town however.

Sixth: Right in front of the Abarrotes y Licores "El Gansito" spot, you will find on some nights a dude selling alcolohic drinks like Pitufos, Cantaritos, etc.

Another gal is selling street tacos right next to that which are OK.

Their nopales are decent.

Here's a video of them making cantaritos:

And really just some feet ahead from here, on certain nights you will find others selling in the same street micheladas and other alcolohic drinks too.

Seventh: Hamburguesas Chabelo

Right next to those selling the pitufos and tacos like I mentioned, you'll find a street food spot selling hamburgers which are OK.

Eighth: Comida China "El Dragon."

The lady running this place is nice.

I only tried their dedos de queso. They are OK. Decent price.

Ninth: Pizza Lira's.

This place seems closed on Google Maps but they are not.

Open most afternoons and nights and typically closed at around 8 PM more or less.

I lived very close to this spot.

I never tried their pizzas but their hamburgers, fries and salchipapas are decent.

Tenth: Tacos Sabas

They mostly sell campechano and suadero tacos. I don't remember them selling anything else.

Tacos are decent priced.

The lady and her son who run it are nice.

Open until like 11 PM more or less.

Very close to the Pizza Lira's spot. Here's a video of them cooking:

Eleventh: Mystery Spot

There's a certain restaurant I really liked that did enchiladas and pozole well.

I forgot the name of it and it is not showing up on Google Maps.

It was on Mariano Matamoros street to the left side and the building was white with a sign in front of the front door advertising their food.

The inside was nicely decorated with a modern feel to it and it had a TV in the front. The kitchen to the right side in the front and the bathrooms to the left.

They were on the southern end of the street closer to where Maderas Lira is.

Here's a video of the inside of their restaurant:

Hope that helps. They are worth seeing.

Finally, there's a certain taco place to the right side on the Mariano Escobedo street that is maybe 5 to 10 minutes walking from the kisok.

If I remember right, you'll see it before you pass the big church. I forgot the name of it and Google Maps is not being helpful.

But they have some of the best food in San Miguel Ajusco.

Including choriqueso, alambre and more. I included a video here of what their kitchen looks like that you will see when you first enter so hope that helps:

Anyway, that's all I got.

Banda Music

People in this town LOVE banda music.

If there is a concert going on, there's a good chance it is banda music.

Of course, sometimes other music gers played too.

Here's a video of one of the concerts I attended.

The Drink of the Pueblo

When it comes to a favorite drink, EVERYONE and grandma -- yes, even grandma -- loves drinking those cheap "Azul" Tequila bottles.

You'll find it is the most popular bottle of liquor in town at events and so forth.

Cowboy Hats Everywhere

Everyone and grandma -- yes, even grandma -- is wearing a cowboy hat in this town.

OK, OK, maybe not literally everyone.

But pretty much everyone.

Little kids, old adults, everyone.

I started to feel out of place myself not wearing a cowboy hat while everyone else was.

There is one store I remember on that Mariano Escobedo street that sells them at a premium of say at least 600 pesos and more per hat.

There is also a guy outside of town outside an OXXO in Tlalpan that sells them on the side of a road for like 200 pesos.

The road is the Carretera Federal A Cuernavaca.

Cuts right by the town of San Andres Totoltepec.

There is also only 1 OXXO that I am seeing on Google Maps along that road so I'm guessing it is it.

Address: Carretera Federal,, 5 de Mayo y Diligencias 5994 Esq.

So there you go.

If you want a cheap hat along the way to San Miguel Ajusco, have your Uber driver take a first stop there and buy your hat before moving into town.

Or get the more expensive hat so the women in town know you got money.


As you can guess already, there's a little cowboy theme to this town.

And what good are cowboys without rodeos???


You will find peopole here holding rodeo events every once in a while. It was the only place so far as of this writing where I have seen one in Mexico City.

I heard though that the nearby town known as San Miguel Topilejo also has some but I´ve never been to their rodeos.

Just the ones in San Miguel Ajusco.

Here´s a video I took of one: 


This town sucks ass when it comes to having an ATM.

There are none!

To get to one, I often just went to the center of Tlalpan.

Maybe there is one closer but that's where I went.

By bus, it takes like an hour to get there more or less.

Literally an hour long fucking journey just to get to an ATM.



Another thing that sucks major donkey balls about this town is the transportation.

Both public and taxis/Ubers.

When it comes to Ubers, your luck will vary like in most small towns of Mexico City.

You either get the Uber in 10 minutes or you get it an hour later.


On a few occasions, it took 2 hours just to get an Uber.

When it comes to taxis, taxi drivers in this area HATE leaving the town like taxi drivers in most of the small towns far south.

The ideal day for a taxi driver in these small towns is to drive back and forth from one end of town to the other end without ever having to leave and having 2 hours to fuck his cousin in between as a break.


Just how they be, I'm afriad.

And if you do get one that is down to leave -- which can happen as I was exaggerating a little bit -- then you might be charged up the ass for it.

Taxis here are more likely to be informal taxis.

One of those informal taxis you see in most of Latin America where any random bum can paint TAXI on his beat up car that looks like it is about to break down and then call himself a taxi driver.

And those taxis are usually more expensive than the normal and official pink taxis of CDMX.

You can find those pink taxis here but they aren't the majority.

Another thing is that they have Vocho Taxis here.

Before showing up, I thought Cuautepec of GAM was the only area in Mexico City with Vocho taxis left.

They aren't as numerous as what you see in Cuautepec but they exist here.

I also found some in the small towns of Xochimilco afterwards.

Finally, public transportation sucks ass also.

It can sometimes take FOREVER to get a bus as if the good people of this town aren't worthy of having a bus.

The closest metro station is Metro CU in Coyoacán.

And it has taken me 2 to 3 hours just to get there.

One time even 4 hours because of delays in the bus system.

It's so bad I decided it's better to just lay in bed and wait for an Uber to take me to Metro CU (no matter how long it takes to catch a ride).

And by Uber the ride is about an hour also.

Do Not Go Down This Road!

Whenever I would return back to San Miguel Ajusco from outside the town, I would have Uber suggest to my driver that he go down a certain road called Av. Arenal that is near San Andres Totoltepec.

I took a screenshot of where this road is and where exactly the problem is.

Every time we tried to go down this road at night, the vehicle would get stuck and couldn't drive all the way down.

Here's a video I took of us getting stuck:

So you need to tell your driver not to go down this road.

Drugged Out and Drunk Drivers

I have never once been to another area of Mexico City where everyone and grandma -- yes, even grandma -- was behind the wheel drunk or on drugs.

I made friends with locals who would drive me back to my home that is farther up hill and they were HAMMERED with their heads as close to the wheel as possible so they could see better.

So many taxi and sometimes Uber drivers I had were on drugs or drunk.

Doing drugs and drinking right in front of me. Not saying every driver here is like that.

Most aren't.

But it was common enough to notice.

As I wrote here on Twitter for example, I was once driving out of San Miguel Ajusco and my driver got out of his vehicle to buy more beer while finishing the one in hand and nearly got into a car wreck.  

Another driver I remember nearly got into an accident on the way to the town of Parres from San Miguel Ajusco (in Tlalpan).

The very first driver I ever had in this town of San Miguel Ajusco was doing drugs right in front of me.

These people seem to love their drinking and driving (while listening to banda music).

How to Get There

There's two routes you can take.

Either by going down Picacho Ajusco road on the west side or go from the east where you will be going down Carretera Federal a Cuernavaca.

The bus and the combis will take you down the Carretera side.

Uber usually goes that route also but rarely goes to San Miguel Ajusco from the west on the Picacho side.

Both sides have areas that suck ass for getting there.

On the west Picacho side, you will be cutting through some very rough looking ghetto hoods of Tlalpan.

On the east Carretera side, the ride on the Carretera road is fine but becomes ass when you get off the Carretera and right before you get onto the Av. Mexico Ajusco road.

Before you get to that road, the ride looks "rural rough" so to speak.

Not so developed.

Very isolated roads that look ideal for the cartels to dump a dead body after gangbanging the victim.

And, like I said, you will come across that one road that I couldn't get any Uber driver to finish driving down.

On the west Picacho side, Uber was still fucking with us because it would recommend we get off the road at one point and drive behind what looked like an abandoned warehouse (that also would be ideal for the cartels to dump a body OMG).

Then it would have us drive back onto the main Picacho road (so getting off it for no reason).

So Uber's app really doesn't know what it's doing in this area.

At least not when I lived there.

Also, your driver is more likely to lose his signal for his phone on the west side.

Speaking of signals: Every single Uber driver I had pick me up would lose his signal for his phone outside my house in San Miguel Ajusco and needed help knowing how to get to the center of the town where there is signal.

Some parts of San Miguel Ajusco are like that.

So it is what it is

Going back to Uber?

Both sides suck ass

If you were getting here by public transportation anyhow, this is what I would do:

First: Don't. Arriving or leaving these towns by public transportation sucks so much and takes so much time. But if you got a day to kill, what should you do? 

Second: Go to Metro CU. 

Third: Get to the center of Tlalpan by bus or combi. At night I could never get a bus to take me there but I always found a way on the few occasions I did to find a bus in the afternoon. 

Fourth: Find the Calz. de Tlalpan road when you are at the center and take a bus to San Miguel Ajusco. 

For getting back, just reverse the steps. As a last point, these small towns in Tlalpan and Milpa Alta STRONGLY need a cablebus system.

ANYTHING that is better than what they got to get to and from here.

How Nice are the People?

For the most part, they were not as nice as the rural folks of Milpa Alta.

I thought people would be before I moved there given it is a small town.

They are not rude however but the people here are less friendly than those in other small towns.

Still wasn't hard to make some friends But again people in Milpa Alta are definitely nicer.


Again comparing this to Milpa Alta, you don't see as many crops.

In Milpa Alta, you have crops everywhere.

Especially nopales.

In rural areas of Tlalpan, I did see plenty of crops though but not as abundant as in Milpa Alta and more often maize instead of nopales.

How Much do Taxis Cost

To get to my house, they would usually charge me 30 pesos.

I lived a lot farther up hill.

No idea if that is a good price for the town but that is what everyone charged me usually.

Super Markets

No Sorianas. No Walmart. No Chedraui.

There is a little Neto store though.

Plenty of small stores too.

And, if I remember right, a mini tianguis of sorts on that mentioned small road that is to the side of the Kisok.

And I also saw a little market outside the Quiosco Santo Tomás Ajusco

How Much is Rent

How much should you pay for rent?

Honestly, I remember seeing little rooms for rent that went for as low as 800 pesos.

Most others in the 1000 to 1500 range

But literally every single room I did see was some dungeon looking room with no utilities included and not furnished.

The one time I found a room for rent -- and it was the room I rented out -- was for about 2,000 pesos.

It was furnished. It had good wifi. It had all utilities.

The house itself was quite nice for the area. Though it had some utility issues.

But again "nice for the area" in that it was not third world looking.

The owner though was some old lady who seemingly had a stick up her ass about me being a gringo and was one of the reasons why I left as her boomer shit got a little too xenophobic and backwards for my tastes.

At first, she was sweet actually but got worse. But that's another story.

Anyway, that's basically what you can expect for rooms.

As for apartments or homes, I never checked as I didn't intend to stay long but I can't imagine the rent would be high.

As I'm looking at Facebook groups now for this town, I am seeing houses for rent at 3,500 pesos, an apartment for rent at 5000, another apartment at 4500, another house for rent at 6500, another apartment for 3000, etc

Of course, prices vary by how many rooms and other details but you get the idea.

It's cheap.

Maybe not as cheap as Milpa Alta for small town living but cheap anyhow.

The Neighboring Town

There is another town I should mention called Santo Tomas Ajusco.

I guess technically these 2 towns are different entities but I always saw them as one in the same.

They are right next to each other.

Santo Tomas Ajusco is just south of San Miguel Ajusco.

They even feel the same as you walk from one to the next.

But I guess you should know about it.

Main Things to See

What are the main things to see in San Miguel Ajusco (including areas outside of San Miguel Ajusco but not too far away)? 

First: You have the Parque Nacional Cumbres del Ajusco that is right next to the town. 

A huge park with a mountain to climb.

Very easy to get to.

By far the biggest attraction to the area If any tourists show up near here, it's ususlly for the mountain

Like Milpa Alta, small towns in Tlalpan have good access to certain hiking spots and mountains.

There's also tour companies that can take you to this specific mountain and have a good time there if you wish. 

Second: You have a monument to Emiliano Zapata. 

Emiliano Zapata is an important character in Mexican history that had some activity in the far southern areas of Mexico City.

Monumento a Emiliano Zapata.

Video I took here:

Third: You have a path called Ciclopista Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca. 

It is right behind the Emiliano Zapata monument.

You can walk down this path. Makes for an OK place to walk or jog.

When you get started, some of the homes to the left and right will soon look a little third world but nothing too bad.

But then soon you will be surrounded by trees and crops. The walk also allows a good view of Mexico City along several points.

Very easy walk too.

Here's a video I took of the view:

Fourth: There is a forgotten pyramid in the Santo Tomas Ajusco area called Tequipa Pyramid. 

It's OK for a little visit if you like historic pyramids but nothing too great.

Here's a thread I wrote on it here from Twitter:

Fifth: Christmas Trees 

Do you want to see where Christmas trees are in Mexico City?

You can find a few little spots in the far south of Mexico City.

Including in Milpa Alta.

But also in San Miguel Ajusco.

I never went to the ones in Tlalpan.

Only Milpa Alta. But I liked it.

There's a few places you can visit in San Miguel Ajusco according to Google Maps.

Like "Arboles de Navidad El Maninal" 

Sixth: Side Parks Along the Picacho Ajusco Road 

Remember that road I mentioned called Picacho Ajusco?

If you leave town and go along that road, you'll find little parks here and there for hiking and outdoor activity.

Like Parque Eco Turistico Tepozan as one example. 

Seventh: El Laberinto del Ajusco 

This is arguably one of the most attractive spots for tourism in San Miguel Ajusco.

A little labyrinth with some cool history.

Here's a video someone else took of the area:

Here's an article on it in Spanish.

Eighth: Parque Ecologico de la Ciudad de Mexico 

This park is not in San Miguel Ajusco but it's not too far either.

It's still in Tlalpan and not a far Uber ride away. I liked it.

Offers good views of Mexico City too in certain spots.

Here's a video I took:

And here's a video of the view of the city from the park:

Ninth: The Main Churches 

As always, there's some cool little churches to appreciate.

The main ones are Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel and Parroquia de Santo Tomas Apostol. 

Here's some videos I took of both churches. 


I know there's another volcano nearby to enjoy hiking called Xitle Volcano and also Cuautzontle Volcano.

Among other hiking trails, volcanos and even caves to enjoy in the area.

I never got around to all them though so I can't comment on every single one. 

Eleventh: Another thing you could do in this town -- and I have in some of these small towns of Mexico City -- is ask a vendor to let you watch how they prepare Mexican food. 

Like barbacoa.

It's a long process but I enjoyed it all.

Remember it is a more rural area so you can witness how certain things from Mexican cuisine are prepared

And they don't ever ask for money for you to just join along and learn something.

Here's a link to one video among others I've taken in these small towns (in this case of barbacoa but in Milpa Alta): 

Twelfth: Be mindful that sometimes events are held in the local auditorium. 

"Auditorio comunal San Miguel Ajusco"

Located right next to the kiosk along that one mentioned street with the tasty mixiote. 

FINALLY One last thing: There is a so called "museum" that you'll find on Google Maps "Museo Comunitario Teopanixpa" 

I included a photo of it below

But it's not a museum

I went and the staff was confused about me suggesting it was a museum.

That's what I inquired about.

"Museum? We don't have anything to show"

They showed me the building

It had nothing

I think they hold events or classes if I remember right?

But as far as I could see, the word "museo" is misleading

But that's all I got for now.

In short, San Miguel Ajusco does have a few cool things (especially if you like hiking) but it's pretty humble in what it does offer overall.

Cultural Events

People in San Miguel Ajusco like to party a little bit.

Not as wild as some other neighborhoods I've been to but it's not a dead town when it comes to partying.

For example, their Fiesta Patronal is nice as I wrote about here on Twitter. 

I enjoyed their Grito de Independencia on Mexico's Independence Day and also their celebration of Day of the Dead.

Here's a video I took of the Grito:

Now, for their Grito, keep in mind they also have a big parade for the Independence Day as I wrote here on Twitter.

What is interesting also is that their Day of the Dead event includes a Muerteada.

You will find Muerteada events for the Day of the Dead in other nearby Tlalpan towns also.

But I've never seen them anywhere else in Mexico City as of this writing.

What is a muerteada?

Well, it was basically a bunch of people in costume dancing down the street in a little parade with some banda music. Some fireworks. Some quema de toritos. etc.

I saw the one in San Miguel Ajusco briefly but I took some videos of the muerteada in nearby San Miguel Topilejo.

Which is another town in Tlalpan.

Here's a video I took of it:

I read online supposedly that the tradition came from Oaxaca and you can read more details here.

And, as far as cultural events for San Miguel Ajusco, I think that's all I saw during my 4 months there.

Keep in mind these events -- like the ones I saw -- might also include side events like rodeos or banda concerts at night.

If you want more information on any of this and how to attend, reach out to me for more tips.

When Does the Town Sleep?

In most of the town except the center, expect most things to be closed by around 8 PM.

With respect to the center of the town, you can find food at later hours.

I forgot until what exact hour the last restaurant closes but probably until at least midnight for some spots.

Is it Safe?

I was told by one local woman running a little tienda that supposedly the area of the town I was in is a "zona roja" or that it is dangerous.

The town in certain parts does look sketchy, including the walk back to my old house.

But I never ran into problems.

Wasn't the worst I've seen in Mexico City.

More "rural poor" than ghetto if that makes sense.

The town is kinda poor.

But I think you will be OK anyhow.

If not, well sucks to be you.


Like other parts of Latin America where there are no gringos, I found I got a lot more attention from women here.

Of course, being a small town with limited Tinder options and a shitty nightlife, it's not ideal for hooking up.

Logistics suck ass on everything.

Even getting women off Tinder from outside the town to visit you would probably not work (unless they came from nearby towns like San Miguel Topilejo)

But the women you meet in real life in San Miguel Ajusco did seem more interested.

Chinelos & Murals

You notice murals all over Mexico City.

Different areas of the city have different types of murals that speak better to the character of the neighborhood you are in and what characteristics you might find commonly there.

Such as murals in Milpa Alta having more nopal themes.

Or like in other far southern areas of the city, San Miguel Ajusco and other areas of Tlalpan love their chinelos.

Chinelos for events and chinelo murals.

More on chinelos here for those who need an explanation:

"Chinelos are a kind of traditional costumed dancer which is popular in the Mexican state of Morelos, parts of the State of Mexico and the Federal District of Mexico City, especially the boroughs of Milpa Alta and Xochimilco."

And Tlalpan too!

And here's a video I took of some in San Miguel Ajusco:

Where to Stay

The town is pretty small so it's easy to walk from one point to the other pretty quickly.

What I recommend you don't do is get a place farther up.

It's an annoying pain in the ass to walk up hill in this area like I had to. I often just went for a taxi because they are cheap.

But ideally you would be set up in the center of the town near the kiosk or the main church. Being near the kisok would be best.

The Dogs

Like in other areas of Mexico City that aren't too wealthy, you have more sad dogs

Those chained up. On rooftops. Without a home.

When I lived there, my neighbor had an angry dog that barked his lungs out and threatened to bite my balls off multiple times a day anytime I walked passed it

As you can see in this video I took here.

But most dogs in the town are chill (even if homeless)

They're not as aggressive as say those dogs in Iztapalapa 

Moving to the East

Another annoying thing that I remember is the path one takes from San Miguel Ajusco to San Miguel Topilejo (or anywhere east within Milpa Alta)

Let me explain

If you look at a map, you'd think one would just drive basically a straight line from San Miguel Ajusco to Topilejo (the town next door)


Don't do that

The most direct path from Ajusco to Topilejo just sucks

Not developed.

Not at all paved in some spots.

I had an Uber driver refuse to drive down it and others who Uber told them to drive down it and it was a rough ride for them

Again, Uber doesn't know shit about this area

Even when it comes to public transportation, any bus I did find would take me north until we reached that mentioned Carretera Federal and then head back south

So if you're driving in the area, keep that in mind

You COULD drive directly from Ajusco to Topilejo (and then onwards to Milpa Alta) but I don't recommend it

Map below to show what I mean

Other Gringos?

Like I said, if any other tourists were to visit this area, it'd be for the nearby mountain I mentioned in that big park 

But I literally never once saw another gringo in the area

So if you wish to be in an area with no gringo/touristy saturation, here you go

Utility Problems

I know I mentioned this before on Twitter 

But San Miguel Ajusco was the worst area of Mexico City when it came to utility problems (and so far undefeated as I write this in 2024)

When I lived in Cuautepec, on a very rare occasion the electricity would go out

In Iztapalapa, we RARELY had water problems

In San Miguel Ajusco?

Even though the house seemed relatively nice compared to most homes in the area, utility problems were VERY common

Water went out once a week for 2 to 8 hours

There was a point where wifi went out for over a week

Electricity only went out once

So mostly a water and wifi issue

And again no other place I've lived in within Mexico City had issues as frequently as here

All the Towns

Outside of San Miguel Ajusco, what other "pueblos originarios" are out there in Tlalpan?

You can Google it but I figured I'd tell you here if you ever plan on coming down

1) Pueblo de La Asunción Chimalcoyotl

2) San Pedro Mártir

3) San Andrés Totoltepec

4) San Miguel Xicalco

5) Magdalena Petlacalco

6) Parres el Guarda

7) San Miguel Topilejo

8) Santo Tomás Ajusco

9) Santa Úrsula Xitla

Source here

As far as events you could see in these towns?

Like I said, you have Muerteada events in other Tlalpan towns like San Miguel Topilejo

You have the Feria del Elote by San Miguel Topilejo:

You have sonidos:

And more!

Including the Fiesta Patronal events held in other towns as you can read more about here (in Spanish).

That link also shows the exact dates and locations for those Fiesta Patronal events

Hope that gives you more ideas for what cultural events to see in nearby towns if you're in San Miguel Ajusco

Anything Else?

That's all I got anyhow.

Here's a link to all my Youtube videos on San Miguel Ajusco.

If anything else comes to mind, I'll edit this and throw more thoughts in later.

Overall, I liked my time in San Miguel Ajusco

If I were to do it over again, I would have but ditch after 3 months instead of 4

Thanks for reading

Follow my Twitter here.

Best regards,


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